Triple Positive Breast Cancer


My mum (who is 73), has just been diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer. She has a 25 mm IDC Grade 3 and as far as we know atm, no lymph node involvement. We recently met with her oncologist, who assessed her and the plan is a chemo regimen at 80% dosage (carboplatin, docetaxol & phesgo), then surgery and targeted treatments.

He asked her if she was prepared to do chemo, and to my surprise she said yes. I really wanted to ask him what the alternative was if she didn’t want to do chemo, but I also didn’t want him to say something that would terrify my Mum (and me!)

My question to all you lovely ladies is…If my mum doesn’t tolerate chemo or feels so ill during it that she decides to stop, are there alternatives?

We want her to be with us forever, of course, but we also want her to have quality of life. He ticked a box on the form she signed that said ‘curative’, which gave me big hope, but I am also very aware that at 73 (nearly 74), she might find the chemo too much.

I’d love to hear from any triple positive ladies, who had this chemo and how you got through it.

Thanks, Nikki

Hello, I was diagnosed triple postive age 36, nearly 19 years ago. It was not an easy journey, but manageable and I am still here fit and well. My Mum age 80 was diagnosed with exactly the same cancer 3 years ago. She too was offered chemo which she wanted, as she said she was not ready to go yet. I was really worried she would manage, after my experience at a much younger age. Interestingly she probably did better than me. Drugs have changed so much and the drugs to manage side effects are so much better now. She actually was abit upset when she finished as she adored the nurses on her unit, but she was happy to continue with phesgo so she could keep seeing them. She is heading for 84 now and doing very well. That’s a bit of a ramble, but take it step by step with your Mum, it is a bumpy road, but worth it. Best wishes.

Thank you for such a positive post :heart:
I can only hope that my Mum tolerates it well, as like your Mum, she’s still got a life to lead!

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