Tripple negative

Just wondering how it is defined if you need to have a ct scan or PET scan etc following a tripple negative diagnosi? Do they do this on the NHS of has anyone paid private? X

Hi Christina,welcome to the Forum.I can’t answer your question I’m afraid but I’m sure someone will come along soon who can.Jill.

Thank u xx

Hi Christina in my area they usually offer ct if have more than 4 nodes positive along with bone scan . I’m stage 3 trip Meg with 9 pos but have only had one ct scañ and bone scan at digonose hope this helps x

Thank u for your reply!! I’m enquiring for my sister who had a tripple neg tumour, 2 sentinel nodes removedm, both clear, mastectomy and has had chemo!! have been feeling worried wondering if she needs a scan or anything else! Xx

Thank you for yor reply 1852!! How long ago was ur treatment!? So glad u are ok xx

Hello 1852, my sister was diagnosed in October had mestrctomy in November! She has her last chemo in 2 weeks time!! Did u have sentinel node biopsy, hope u don’t kind me asking all the questions xx

I had health insurance & therefore had all my treatment at a private hospital.


My my tumor was 28mm idc with 105mm dcis.  I had surgery mx & ANC followed by Fec-t 100 no rads


i had the usual mammo & ultra sound, I also had ct & MRI.  A few weeks after surgery I had another CT scan


i finished Chem Dec 2013 recon surgery June 2014, reduction of the other breast to match Feb 2015


i have only received annual mammo of non affected breast, as recon side is an implant.


have to say it freaks me out a bit that the recon side is never checked other than the consultant checking it with his fingers - I mean how would he know if someone nasty was lurking under the implant?

Hi Christina im triple neg and had a CT scan. I think it was because my tumour was quite large 5cm and node involvement. I had right mastectomy last October then 6 fec-t chemo and have just had node clearance 24th April. X

Hello Ann, thanks for your reply!! You started ur journey at the same time as my sister!! How r u? Hope you are doing well ? how old are u if u don’t mind me asking?