Sorry to post on a bit of a trivial issue - especially in the light of last weeks event and such sad news about Kate -
I now have about an inch of hair - and its grown back grey/white -( and i am very pale) so don’t feel confident about appearance - am going on holiday in a couple of weeks and will probably be too hot for wig so would like to try and dye what little hair I have - can anyone recommend something that isn’t full of horrible ingredients? Thanks , Jayne
Hi Jayne
I think you can get organic hair dyes from health shops. Once my hair started to grow back I just went for a semi permanent colour bought at Boots and didn’t go for anything organic. I didn’t have any problems other than the colour not being exactly as I’d like. However after a few attempts I now have a good colour and even my hairdresser said how good the shade/colour was for me. Have a great holiday
Nicky x
There is a make called Daniel Field which is natural - if you do a search in Google, you’ll find it. A friend of mine used it when she was pregnant she wanted to dye her hair but use something natural. All I know is that it is organic and I think it washes out gradually.
Naturetint from Holland&Barrett is parabin free,very kind to your hair,comes in lots of natural looking colours and covers grey completely.There’s also Herbaltint which is just as good but harder to find.I’ve been using them since six weeks after chemo and my hairs in better condition now than in pre bc days!
Josie x
I did my hair with some bleachy product from Boots and I think it did the trick of transforming an inch of grey steel wool into acceptable blonde bits…well you saw it at the Cafe Rouge!
But can’t remember the product name…I take the view that its too late to worry about nasty chemicals now.
Having had my last Taxotere 7 weeks ago, I am eagerly anticipating the joy of hair again. At the moment I have a good covering of 4mm stubble, and was wondering about hair extensions so that I can get an ‘instant fix’ once my hair is long enough. Has anyone tried this? If so, how long does your hair need to be before you can do this?
Hi Jayne
Before Christmas I did mine with I think Garnier and about 4 weeks ago got my hairdresser to do it, it need trimmed and layered and he used a vegetable based dye, we went darker as it makes what is left look more !
Love kathryn
Hi LInda, Think it is about 3 inches long before you can have the hair extensions to get them to stay in. I also thought about extensions when my hair was growing back! I did however start coloring it with the colour i have always used(did contain peroxide) as soon as i had a very small amount of hair and it never did mine any harm.Helenx
well, if i had 3 inches of hair i wouldn’t need extensions! would be well hapy with that - but my (nearly an inch) of hair has now been dyed - it came out more ginger than “honey blonde”"! ah well better than the white / grey …how come the hairs on my chin grow so much quicker?..
Hi jaynemh,
I have done exactly the same as you and my wonderful?? one inch hair is now ginger. I am so annoyed with myself as I so wanted to be blonde!
I went tearing round to the hairdressers and they told they woundt touch it , better to get more growth,soooo its back to the wigs!!
I am also going on holiday next week and the head colour technician told me to put good old lemon juice on it before going in the sun so I`ll have a go at that…probably turn green!!