Hi, we have to choose between these 2 choices for Triple Negative Breast Cancer that has now spread to liver. Only Taxol and Keytruda was given for few months. Does anyone have any experience of taking either and if either worked ?

It’s Vita again, just want to add, its Stage 4 TNBC

Hi. I have been on Eribulin since August last year. I was diagnosed May 2021. Triple negative with mets to bones and liver. This is my 5th line chemo and I don’t find the side effects too bad at all. It is a very short infusion and my hair has also grown back after losing it twice on previous chemo. All of my CT scans have shown stability in bones and reduction in liver tumour size. Good luck with your choice.

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Hi I was diagnosed with triple negative last October I had chemotherapy 8 cycle then surgery in June and 11 lymph nodes removed and no nipple all my cancer went with the chemo luckily enough it hadn’t spread anywhere else I started radiotherapy in September for 3 weeks all I have to do is have yearly checks now till I’m 50 I’m 37 this year was diagnosed when I was 35. I wish you all the luck in the world x

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