Trying to be positive for my mum

Hi, I’m new to the site my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2012 she had her lumpectomy early dec this all went well, but she is just about to start 6 months of chemo and then 3 weeks of radiotherapy because her cancer was stage 3.
Im trying so hard to stay positive nut I have this constant thought in my mind that I’m going to lose my mumthere doctors have told her that as long as she has her treatment she will be fine, I’m just scared and feel so bad for her when I see her.
She has been so poorly the last few weeks I just feel so helpless.
will this feeling go ?

Hi Linz83

I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time at the moment. Coping with the affect a diagnoses of breast cancer has on someone you love is never easy. You will find a whole host of support on our forums and if you have any questions or would like to talk to someone please do call our freephone helpline on 0808 800 6000. This is open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 on a Saturday.

There are many publications available as well here covering all the different aspects and diagnoses of breast cancer.

With all best wishes


Hi Linz,

What a horrible place it is waiting for treatment to get going and all the awful thoughts that go through our heads. My guess is that your Mum is around my age and I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Grade 3 breast cancer in August 2010 when I was 47. I had chemotherapy first (because my tumour was massive) then a mastectomy, reconstruction and lymph node removal all at once, and finally radiotherapy. I am just coming up to two years since my surgery, and am fit and well and enjoying life; and the odds are that in the same length of time your Mum will be too.

Chemo is no-one’s idea of fun, but it is doable, and there is a lot that can be done to reduce side effects such as antisickness medication… a lot of the worst horror stories just are not true for most people. The best advice anyone can offer is to try to take things one step at a time rather than try to face it all in one go. Chemo is usually in three week cycles, and a lot of people find it helpful to focus on one at a time; usually after the first cycle you know pretty much how it will be for the next few, so it is not always a new and scary experience. Your Mum might like to join one of the ‘starting chemo’ threads on here, or you may like to ‘lurk’ or join in one as you support her.

Your Mum will be glad of your support and love at this time, which will mean more to her than anything else I am sure.

Big hugs.

Hi I know I exactly how you feel! Staying positive is the best way forward. My mum was diagnosed in july/September 2012 time she had surgery and 6 sessions of chemotherapy she had her last chemo on Friday it was such a relief she was so glad it’s over but now for the whole of April we have radiotherapy! This is going to be a very hard month! But a positive thought Is that I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by I think hit his helped by staying positive all the time! I hope I’ve helped, sending my love and prayers Emily x