Trying to decide!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone. Ive just joined the site. I see my plastic surgeon in 10 days to deliver him my decision re reconstruction. Ive been offered the expanding implant or DIEP recon. I had R mastectomy last year (followed by chemo and radiotherapy) and earlier this year took the test for BRCA which was positive. In view of that Im cracking on with L mastectomy as a risk reducing procedure. Thus I will have L mast and reconstruction with R reconstruction all in the same op. I think the DIEP procedure has a great outcome looking at pictures and would prefer this I think but Im quite anxious about the recovery period. What are peoples experiences of that?? The tissue expansion implants do look like a more convenient option, Im just not sure what it would be like living with the implants- are they very firm, uncomfortable to sleep with etc??? A big factor in my decision making is about having 2 very energetic small children (ie dealing with the recovery). Im going around in circles! Help!

Hi harrysmum,

I had a DIEP reconstruction 18 months ago and I’m very pleased with the results. The recovery time is quite long, but I healed really well with no complications so was able to return to work part time 6 weeks after my op. I was a single mum of 3 boys aged 6, 8 and 11 at the time, but had loads of help from my friends and family which was invaluable. One of the hardest things was not being able to drive for 6 weeks, but my BCN arranged for a grant to cover taxi fares to and from school for the boys and but once I could drive, life became a lot easier. You have to be careful with lifting heavy things, but my boys were past the age of having to be carried. I also had an implant as I didn’t have enough tissue, but even though I know where it is (to the left of the recon) I can’t differentiate between it and the stomach tissue. I don’t know about implant only option as this was never discussed.

I was drawn to your post as I’m a Harry’s mum too!

If you want know anything else about the op, please feel free to ask! Hope this helps!

Sally xx

Thanks Sally, thats really helpful. How long were you in hospital? Did you need to take heavy duty pain relief for long once you were home? I think if i go ahead with the DIEP I’ll get my mother to come over from Australia to help.


Hello again,

It’s quite hard to remember about pain relief - but in a way, that’s good as you soon get over it! I was in hospital for a week - my op took a bit longer than usual as it was a double DIEP and then my PS found I had a hernia which she repaired at the same time - bonus!!! If you can get your mother to come, I would say go for it - and with your children, take every offer of help. Whenever I have a difficult time, which have been a few, I always say to myself - as Henry Kelly used to say in Going for Gold, “Time passes and continues”(!!!) - ie you’ll look back on that time and think - wow, that was tough, but it’s over now - I hope!!!

Sorry, back to pain relief - I was given quite a lot of co-codamol (spelling) to take home, which was great for me as it helped me sleep, but the constipation was something else. I found the best way to manage the pain was to take more before it really took hold - so manageable. I’m now looking into having preventative surgery on my other side, so it can’t have been that bad otherwise I wouldn’t consider it. Obviously can’t have DIEP again so will probably be LD.

Let me know how you get on.


Sally xx

Thanks Sally, Yep- going for the DIEP. See the plastic surgeon tomorrow! I’ll keep you posted.

Thanks for your advice.
