I read on one of threads from a lady who’s family and friends fund-raised and that she was receiving her treatment in Germany. I would like to find out more about her treatment and would appreciate if she could get in touch with me, equally if anybody knows the name of the person I am referring to can you please let me know. I’m sure her treatment was on her liver.
Many thanks
Hi there,
The lady’s name is Dawn, user name on these forums is Spike.
Thanks Jenny, that’s great
Sorry for not seeing your post sooner Diane but I’ve been away on hols for a week with the family. Luckily enough another forum member emailed my private email address to alert me to your post.
How can I help? Do you want to send me a private message?
Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, I’m more than happy to help in any way I can. I have been having treatment on the liver called chemoembolization and this is carried out in Germany. I’ve had 2 so far and am due a third in 2 weeks.
Best wishes.
Hi Dawn
I have secondaries in my liver and lungs, lymph nodes and chest wall. I have heard that Germany has got a much greater success rate and felt like I need to look into this further. Not for a cure but for maybe a longer life expectancy etc. I have lost faith in the time the NHS take to provide drugs such as Avasin etc and am willing to pay for my treatment if I feel it is better than what I am being offered here.
Would you mind telling me about yourself, why you opted for Germany, is it costly etc. I am on Taxotere at the moment which the onc hope will give me some time off chemo however when it comes back I want to be 100% certain I am getting the best care I need and if that means going to a different country then I’m all for it.
What research you done, any websites you can supply, did you go over it with you onc etc anything and everything would be helpful Dawn.
Can anyone point me to the hospital in Germany where this is done and any costings ?
The contact details of the Leonardis Klinik are:
Tel: 00 49 80461870
Email: <script type=“text/javascript”>eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%69%6e%66%6f%40%6c%65%6f%6e%61%72%64%69%73%2d%6b%6c%69%6e%69%6b%2e%64%65%22%3e%69%6e%66%6f%40%6c%65%6f%6e%61%72%64%69%73%2d%6b%6c%69%6e%69%6b%2e%64%65%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b’))</script>
The only costs that Dawn provided was 90 Euros for a cottage per night that you can use when going for your consoltation and 900 Euros if you are staying in the clinic, i would imagine that would be plus the cost of your treatment.
She also pointed out that if it is available Britain that they would advise you to get it here so that you did not have to pay for it.
Hope this helps
Diane - If you feel able I would be keen to follow your progress with Germany - in terms of the drugs or treatment they advise. I feel confident at the moment, having private care and being treated at the Marsden - but lots of thing with this disease seem so unsure. Hope your investigation bear fruit - if nothing else at least in terms of putting your mind at rest.
Best wishes - Geraldine