Trying to keep calm but worried

Its my 3 monthly appointment with my onc this afternoon. I had my blood test (CA 15.§) last week and panicking because i havent had the results yet. I normally get them the next day (in the post) but they should have come on Saturday or Monday ta the latest. The post has just come today (tue) and still nothing. Now i am thinking that my marker has gone up so they arent sending it to me.
I have 2 hours to wait before i go to see my onc, i also need to take my daughters biopsy results for him to look at for me (melanoma) to see what he says.
I am so sick of this ‘living with cancer’ just when you think everythings ok and getting on with things something crops up.
Please keep you fingers crossed for us both.

Hi Pineapple,
It’s rubbish all this waiting and it never seems to end. I have my 3 monthly check on Fri but think it’s just a physical exam.
As for your results I had a thought - there was a postal strike on Sat so maybe thats why the delay or because of this maybe the hospital didn’t send them out. Anyway good luck for this afternoon
Shorty xx

Hello Pineapple

I’ll be thinking about you. Hope the news is good.

Take care
Love Anthi x

Thank god, panic over. My test had arrived at the clinic and was fine, cancer marker went from 7.9 to 7.7, he gave everywhere a good feel, ok and then weighed me ! he was very suprised that i had put almost 12 kilos on in a year! then measured my arms, listned to my back and said my wig looked great. He said the swelling/fluid at the base of my neck was from the rads.
Then i asked him about my daughter and he read the biopsy and said the letter was not saying it IS melonoma but is changing into it. It is in French so something was misunderstood and when you see the word !!! anyway, he said the specialist in Bordeaux had to test it now to see how abnormal/cancerous/melonamary the cells actually are and that there wasnt clear margins and so she will have to have more removed. So we can go to Egypt next week and enjoy it ! phew…

GREAT NEWS PINEAPPLE. Have a wonderful time in Egypt and give my love to King Tut if you see him!