Tumour marker

I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in December 2012’ I had 18 weeks of chemo and from June 2013 have been taking letrozole I have seen my consultant today and he has said that me tumour marker has gone up, it has been 379, 400 and now is 420. Can anyone tell me if they have had this and what’s does it mean. I had a scan as well and that is stable. Any replies grateful received

Hi Kimmy - so sorry to hear your news. Unfortunately I haven’t had experience of this but I’m sure one of the other lovely ladies will be along soon to help. In the meantime most of us tend to hang out on the bone or lung mets thread so you may want to check out those threads and possibly repost so more people see it.
Huge hugs xxx

Hi,Kimmy,Letrozole can take 3-4 months to work so don’t worry. You have to hold your nerve with hormone treatments and it can be rather scary watching markers rise.
Huge hugs,Helen xxxxxxxx

Hi Kimmy, it’s really good news your scan showed all is stable. Do you have the CA15-3 markers? I have those and the CEA markers taken. This link may be helpful,


Usually the Onc will take into account two or three readings, the general trend. The rise in your markers doesn’t seem very significant to me. If a treatment has failed you would normally see your markers double or rise by a greater number. I have had markers bob about a bit and then settle I hope this is the case for you. X