Tumour size

Hi - I have another question for all you lovely ladies (you can tell my mind is in overdrive!). On U/s and mammogram i was told my lump is 2.5 x 3cm. I was wondering if many people had actually had a bigger tumour than initially diagnosed by scans?
Thanks v. much! x

Hi Tinks

From what I’ve read it can happen, but you can also end out with a smaller tumour than expected too. I was told mine was 23 mm approximately before surgery and after it was dissected out it was only 19 mm. They cannot be completely sure until they have it out. Good luck with your surgery. Debx

Hi Tinks
My tumour showed up as 1.5cm on the scan but after surgery it mesured 3.5cm. Still not sure if it was measured incorrectly or if it had grown from dx to time of surgery which was 5 weeks later.
I have read quite alot of posts on here and they can also be smaller after surgery.
My surgeon said that until after surgery there is no way of knowing exactly how big tumours can be.
Try not to worry about it to much as you can end up driving yourself insane.
Hope this helps
Chris x

Hi there
I was told from scans that it was 3cm but when they tried to take it out it was 6cmX7cms and the margins were not clear so I have since had to have a full mastectomy. However, I feel now since speaking to folk in the know, that tumour size is not necessarily an indicator of things, as there are many factors to consider so please try not to worry- as another forum user said you could have a gentle giant as opposed to a small nuclear bomb!
Best wishes