Hi everyone I’m a newbie to this site and am posting to see if anyone has advice or the same issues as me.Was diagnosed 19th Aug with stage 3 breast ca am having neo adjuvant chemo to shrink the tumour had my second FEC last wed and I don’t notice any shrinkage at all in fact its turned from a small 2.5cm lump into a large mass in my breast and there are also shooting pains coming from it!.Im so worried they have me on the wrong regimen as I wouldn’t expect it to be still growing?Any advice would be appreciated thanks!
Hello Michy
Sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, you’ll find great support on this site. I am also on neo adjuvant regime (4 x EC & 4x Taxol) since July to shrink a 4cm lump. So far there is no changes in the size of it, however the shape of it has changed. Feels like its expanded and moved more inside the breast tissues, but measurement still the same. You should be given an ultrasound sound every other cycle to check it’s progress. EC didn’t work for me so after 3 cycles I was put on Taxol, but after 2 cycles it doesn’t looks like it has made any difference. I will find out next week whether we carry on with chemo. There are lots of positive stories about the success of neo adjuvant treatment on this site too, so don’t lose hope!
Good luck, hope yours will be a success.
Thanks Masha that sounds exactly like mine its changed shape and is deeper into the breast. I don’t get a scan till after my 3rd chemo I just worry about wasting time on the wrong regimen…I suppose I hope it would start to feel like its shrinking by now:(
Hello ladies,
I just spotted your thread. I am three years ahead of you, having been dx in Aug 2010 with an 8cm tumour, so had neoadjuvant FEC-T. The original plan was six FEC and they checked me after each round with manual examination and some clever caliper thingy to measure the lump. The first two FEC is shrank quite a bit, then it stalled. When I switched to Taxotere it shrank a lot more. After cycle five my onc could no longer accurately palpate (feel) it but at surgery there was still a 2cm mass left - but only 4mm was still cancer, the rest was scar tissue.
Since then I have learned a lot more from other ladies’ experience and not all tumours behave the same way. Sometimes there is no obvious shrinkage but they die away inside. Sometimes they break into smaller bits as they die away. And sometimes they shrink a lot.
Three years on and I am fit and well and enjoying life - still hanging around here to chat to friends, encourage others and so forth. Neoadjuvant chemo is still relatively unusual but definitely has the advantage that they can gauge its efficacy to a degree. Try not to worry too much if there is no obvious change, size is only one factor in determining efficacy…
Hope all goes well for you with the rest of your treatment.
Hello Fecinora, thanks for sharing your case. I will find out ultrasound result on Weds. They were running so late that they just wanted you off the bed and out of the room!
RevCat, it’s really reassuring to hear positive stories with neo adjuvant chemo, and also good to hear life treating you well! just one question, did you have WLE, or MX?
Michy, hope you doing well too.
Mahsa xx
Hi Masha, Fecinora, RevCat
Thanks so much for the advice and sharing your own experiences it has eased my mind a bit.When I called my breast care nurse they said phone chemo nurse and when I called they chemo they said vice versa!.The chemo nurse eventually got me an appt for 20th Nov which she understands is a bit far off but she said to see how I feel over the weekend and if im still worried to call back next week and they will try to get me in sooner.Im still getting shooting pains which is good I hope!.I totally understand chemo is better before to see which one works best for you. I just felt it was growing deeper into my breast tissue but maybe its just thats the tumour reacting I hope!hugs to all xx
Hi Magsa,
I had an mx and immediate reconstruction. The location of my tumour - smack in the middle behind the nipple/areola meant that no matter how much they shrank it, a good shape wouldn’t be possible so it had to go. I know that quite a lot of people are able to have a WLE after neoadjuvant chemo, I think it depends on where it is as well as how big/small.
Hi Gilly thanks for sharing lump def seems softer so hopefully chemo is doing its job my lump is on the side of my left breast and its in my lymph node also.Im finding I can lie on my left side more comfortably now. I get my next FEC a week on mon so think I will just try stay calm and positive its working and wait for my mid way scan to see whats what. I ts difficult as when you’re alone with your thoughts you’re mind starts imagining all sorts!.Thanks again x
Hi everyone, I am one of the September Stars and I am having chemo first too. Just had my final FEC of three today. Then it’s Tax for three. Didn’t want to know how big my lump was, incidentally christened Damion, when I was diagnosed. Saw my oncologist today and Damion has reduced in size from 6cm x6cm to 3cm x 2.5cm so chemo seems to be doing its job. Hopefully it will continue to do so. I am then expecting to have a lumpectomy in January, followed by radiotherapy. x
Hi Pas the boss:-)
You’re on the same treatment plan as me I get my last fec next week.I hope mines has shrunk as much as Damian lol that’s fantastic!mines was pretty small to begin with but seems to be acting weird and stretching im trying not to worry and see what my mid way scan shows!
Michelle x
I haven’t had a midway scan. Oncologist just took some measurements today but I will be seeing him after every Tax session. I have my fingers crossed for you. Hope everything goes well. x
Thanks:) fingers crossed for u too x
Hello Michy
Last ultrasound showed 5mm shrinkage, that was after 3 x EC & 2 x Taxol sessions. Is not very significant, but is something. I am due for last Taxol on Thursday, so should be seeing the surgeon and have another ultrasound next week or so. Will keep you posted.
How you getting on with chemo?
Feel free to send me a private message if you’d like to have a chat. Going through neo adjuvant chemo can be quite worrying, particularly if things are not going according to our expectation.
Take care,
Mahsa xxx