Twelve years on!

Well I have made another year - 12 years since secondary diagnosis (spread to liver and bone) and 11 years plus on Herceptin. I am fine and well.

I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994 and it came back in 2003. In April I will have my 200th Herceptin treatment - still by intravenous injection as I never did get the subcut (a long discussion and much agonising but probably for the best, for me).

So the message is, try to be positive (everyone tell you that, as if it’s easy and it’s not!) but the fear of cancer will rob you of your good days just as effectively as the beast itself. Get some joy for yourself out of every day and hang in there.


Fantastic. And thank you for your encouragement . Lots of love xxx

What fantastic news for you Blondie - and your positivity  will hopefully rub off on those of us a bit newer to this journey.  Take care and keep well xxxxx Val

Great to see you here Blondie. As always. :slight_smile: x

Wow. As someone who has liver mets that is very inspirational! Thank you for keeping us updated. It’s really important for anyone with secondaries to hear the positive stories. Good luck for many more!
Jo x

Great news Blondie you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your incredible story. Much love Sproodle xxxx

Blondie ,you go girl xxxxx thank you for keeping us informed xxxx here’s to another 12 years xxxx

Hi Blondie


Welll Done, hope I doo as well.  I have just this week been diagnosed with Secondary in the lung and am waiting for treatment to start.




Hi Blondie. This is my first time here and I am so inspired by your story. I have just been diagnosed with bone Mets and was feeling pretty devastated until I read about you. You have given me hope.

Always good to hear such positive stories. I had breast cancer in 2011 and diagnosed with secondary in the spine in 2015 - going through a difficult time at present and need to be more positive.

Thank you, you have given me great hope,and inspiration. Xxx

Always good to hear the update Blondie. I’m 3 years, 9 months from dx with secondaries in liver & lungs and currently NED for the second time after treatments.

Thank you Blondie

I am 5 yrs on from an initial diagnosis of primary with mets to bones. 

Yes there are days I feel frozen with fear especially between the scans and going for results, it’s like a game of Russian roulette and I know you folks understand that !

but then there are the days that I hold my grandchildren and am so grateful I’ve been given this time when I’ve lost friends that didn’t get the chance to feel this. 

Onwards and stable! 


I have just been diagnosed with liver, bone and lung mets are four years clear. Tomorrow is my forth chemo. I have been told at my first scan that the lung is now clear and it’s all working . Any advise, tips or suggestions?

It’s been a tough start but I remain positive and I have great support but only those that going through this really understand .

 Hi  Everyone,  


 CanIi just say a very big thank you to everyone who posts on this sight, I find it the best medicine . I had primary in 2009. , all fine until 6 months ago , now bone mets ? lung ,  gettin on ok , then last week / liver mets    Devastated , been under the duvet all weekend , I know  I will surface , but finding your experiences  giving me more hope than the clininal teams.  Onc keeps saying all very small volume and all very slow growing  xx


 keep well ,  hugs to all x

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Hi Blondie I was wondering how you are doing - sue

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