I found two hard lumps close together in the lower outer area of one breast about 5 weeks ago and just went to my GP this week. The area affected is about 2cms in length and I am not sure if it’s two lumps or one mass with two protruding bits. It feels like it came on quickly because I didn’t notice it until it felt huge. My GP said she is hopeful I have a fibroadenoma as she thought she could move them. I know they aren’t attached to the skin but they don’t move when I touch themand feel very hard. I’m 49 and perimenopausal, just two periods since October. This is the third time I have had a lump but this time I am much more worried. I know the stats are in my favour but I wondered whether if it is fibroadenoma they would recommend removing at my age. I read something saying they can stop things behind being seen on the scan. I guess I just want to be prepared for what they might suggest to treat fibroadenoma at my age assuming that’s what it is. Do you think they always do a biopsy on them as well? Should I request one if they don’t offer it? Thanks for any advice you can give me. My clinic appt is 29 March.
Hi Fingles,
Thanks for reaching out to the Forum.
As you haven’t had a reply from the community yet, it might be worth reposting your question to the ‘Ask Our Nurses’ board - they usually get back the same day and I hope they can help.
The link is: forum.breastcancercare.org.uk/t5/Ask-Our-Nurses/ct-p/Asknurses
Take care,
Becca at Breast Cancer Care.
Hi Fingles,
A biopsy is only usually done if it is not absolutely clear on ultrasound &/or mammo what it is. By all means ask, though so that you’re clear about it all.
Obviously, the clinic will advise about any treatment, if any that is needed.
If you want to, do let us know how you get on.
ann x
So I wanted to add an update here for people who may find this post in future. I learnt that my GP was a bit naughty ‘guessing’ what my lump might be. I had my appointment this morning and it was a really large cyst. Apparently when they are small they are soft but can become quite hard when they get big. It’s been aspirated. This did not hurt. My message is don’t pay too much attention what your GP says. Wait to hear what an expert has to say before you worry too much.The breast clinic said my GP shouldn’t have made a ‘guess’.
Thanks for the update, Fingles & so good to hear all’s well & for sharing your advice.
ann x