Has anyone been diagnosed or know anything about having two different breast cancers at the same time. I am not sure if I have got this right
I was diagnosed with TN mid Oct 2010. I found another lump this month
it was confirmed as cancerous but I am awaiting results. I was told that it might be a primary, and that it was very rare for this to happen. Nothing conclusive was said to indicate this was the case with me but naturally I am curious. Will see consultant in a few days for the results of bone scan and CT scan and to discuss treatment plan. Any suggestions all I could find was info at
I’m not TN just ER+ and I was diagnosed with more than one type of cancer too. When I had the biopsies done I was told I had invasive lobular but when the pathology report came back after my mx I was told that I also had invasive ductal and lobular in situ. when they added it all together it came to more than 1/3 my breast volume which was a bit of a shock. I’m not very big but even so it knocked me back some.
My surgeon also told me that it was very unusual to have more than one type of cancer but also that it wasn’t something I should panic about either. Either way I was going to need chemo because of lymph node involvement so at the time I didn’t really think that much about it.
I know this isn’t quite the same as your situation but I wanted you to know that you aren’t entirely on your own.
I was diagnosed last October with IDC in my left breast and ILC in my right. When I asked if this was unusual the surgeon said it is not as uncommon as you might think. I was supposed to have lumpectomies + rads but ended up with bilateral mastectomy due to clear margins not being obtained.
Mine were in different breasts, mind you. I think you are talking about the same breast.
not sure i can really add anything however i have noticed quite a number of patients are having multiple biopsies and are coming back positive… for example a few weeks ago we had 7 ladies with cancer diagnosis and of them 5 had more than one lesion with cancer.
im not sure whether its an increasing number, but i know from my audit of patients in the family history clinic only around 5 of the 80 cancer patients had multifocal disease… some with as many as 8 tumours and 2 with bilateral cancer.
the tumours arent always the same type or grade or hormone status… but these can change from biopsy to final pathology too.
so basically although two cancers in the same breast isnt that uncommon having two different types of tumour is rarer.
Hi I was diagnosed in Jan with two different types of cancer. I have a grade 3 infiltrating duct carcinoma er- ( triple negative ) and a tubular carcinoma grade 1 er+ my treatment has been 6 x FEC. Which I’ve had 4 so far followed by rads and tamoxifen. When I had my biopsy in dec it didn’t show all of this, it wasn’t till the lab results came back after mx that it was discovered. I have an appointment with onc tomorrow to talk about what the future holds as in reaccuance etc. But that’s another chapter in bc life. Hope that helps, and remember you are not alone, I could not believe when I joined this forum how many different types of bc there are. Different types of prognosis and different types of treatment.
Love BD x
Thank you for your help and support.
I saw my surgeon on Monday and was told it was the same cancer (TN) and that it was either lymph nodes that had been left behind or lumps that had not been noticed before. I have had 2 clearances of lymph nodes (the same site) so was quite upset as there where at least 5 lumps visible on the ultrasound.
The bad news was that nodes they had seen on my lungs on the October CT (which I was told was probably due to pollution) 1 of them had now started to increase in size from 1cm to 2 cm they said it could be cancer. They would not say I was stage 4 as with out a biopsy of the lung tissue. He also said a biopsy would be dangerous for me. So no real answers.
I have been told that they will not remove the lumps and I will be put on chemo. I will have a 10 day wait to see my oncologist. I have had the blackest few days of my life, so once again thank you for your support it really made a difference. Snuggy.
Snuggy, have sent you a pm. I know you are going to have a real hard time over the next few weeks. I went Monday to see my onc about my survival rates and they too were very confusing and difficult to get my head round. Give yourself time, be kind to yourself, and try to be positive.
Love and hugs BD xxx
Snuggy thanks for the pm. Sorry you haven’t had the best news and are left with yet more uncertainty but if they see improvement in the lung area on the Chemo then it’s more likely to be cancer but if it stays the same it could be some benign condition. They may want to check after Chemo but obviously getting that is the priority. Fingers crossed that the lung spots turn out to be nothing serious.