two solid lumps and thickening, a month down the line, still no appointment xx

HI everyone i am new to the group, infact new to the whole forum thing. I am 27 ive had breast pain now for about 6 months and a dull ache in my armpit, the pain doesnt coincide with my periods, after 4 months of going to the GP with the same problems (may i add i have Fibromyalgia, which is why i kept being fobbed off) I finally got referred to the breast clinic. They found I have thickening in my left breast, I had an ultrasound done just on my one breast and they said i have enlarged glands, hense the firmness. They have put it down to hormones. Which is fine i accepted that, i have suspected emdometrosis anyway and am due for my op on the 25th July. At the beginning of may i discovered a very hard painless lump above my left breast and to the right of my armpit, on the 19th May i went to see the nurse practitioner and she called the doctor in. They both agreed my lump was deep, doesnt move and is solid. The doctor thinks its attached to my chest wall. They referred me for an ultra sound, and that brings me to now. I have not recieved my appointment yet, despite a second solid lump, slightly smaller, appearing next to it and all around it has got very firm and i now have a tender patch and slight skin pigmentation, still have pain in that breast and dull ache in my arm pit, I havent heard anything, my GP said he will chase it up, i rung him and he just said im on a list. But its been 4 weeks since my referral, and i now have changes.


I go months on end without going to the doctors, i dont suffer with anxiety and i have physical symptoms, so why am i being written off?


I am gaining anxiety now with just waiting, is it me? am i being over paranoid here? should i really be concerned? xxxx:heart:


Hi KJ87

Welcome to the BCC forums, it sounds like you’re having a really tough time at the moment.  Whilst you wait for the other users to reply with their experiences, may I suggest you give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you talk things through with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.   Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, Facilitator