typical wait time for dcis driven masect + immediate recon

Hi all

Anyone got an idea as I’m getting a bit confused.

I need a mastectomy as no clear margins were gained from two WLE’s after DCIS diagnosis. I want to have immediate reconstruction.

However after reading many posts it seems people have had to wait a long time for reconstructions. Surely I can’t afford to wait for months and months if some of the DCIS is still there? Do they have a different wait time for this?

I’m now worrying that I should have a mastectomy to get rid of it and then prepare to wait for the reconstruction anyway.

So confused…any ideas??

Love Freddie xxxxx

Hi Freddie
I had bi-lateral mas in june 2006, couldn,t have recon at same time as they didn,t do it at my hosp ask if i could go to another as i had slow growing cancer stage 1 grade 1, was advised not to wait,so went ahead with mas 10 days after diagnosis,by the way havin recon this fri so waited 3 yrs as was told cancer would come back probably within 2yrs if it was going to, so waited to have it done, so i could be sure they found it if it did came back,

Hi Freddie, thoughts are with you

I had lumpectomy and margins weren’t clear enough in Aug 2005 so had Mastectomy in Sept 05. Wasn’t offered immediate recon as consultant felt it was better to deal with the treatments etc first then recon after.

Had recon done May 08 and am booked in next wk for expander implant to be replaced with perm one - its been very long road, hang in there, you’l get to the end eventually.

Keep us posted

Clemy x