uch london - RFA

hi just wondered if anybody has dealt with Dr ***** regarding RFA for secondarys ? i emailed regarding an appt for liver ablation to my liver secondarys she has written back today saying she will look at my scans via my doctor


Hi Galen

I have been going to see Dr * at UCH since last April and have had three lots of RFA in that time (the last one in December). I had ten mets treated and am currently NED in my liver, though also have bone mets. Dr * is great and has always been very responsive - recently she brought one of my follow up scans forward when i had worries with a niggling pain in my liver area that turned out to be an inflamed gall bladder. Im sure you’ve read some of the threads on here about RFA that i’ve contributed to but if you want to know anything more please do let me know.


Hi Heather and Galen. How do you qualify for this treatment? Why aren’t we all offered this option? Heather, were you offered or did you ask for RFA? Sorry for all the questions but it seems like such great treatment I’m wondering why all liver mets patients aren’t told about this.


Hi Alison

I asked my oncologist about RFA soon after i got my secondaries diagnosis but had six sessions of Taxotere before she would consider referring me as my cancer had to be stable to make it a viable option. The treatment involves taking a clear margin around each lesion so they have to be quite small as the ablated area ends up being much bigger than the actual lesion itself.


Hi Girls,
I had RFA on my liver tumour with the lady doctor at UCL in March 09, and am currently NED.