Hi I just wondered if anyone else can give me some idea of what my scar should be looking like now?
I had a lumpectomy to my right breast and armpit done on the armpit side of my breast at the top. I had to have it redone due to not getting clear margins, after the first surgery the surgeon said my scar needed ‘releasing’ anyway as it was very puckerd, I assumed that meant that the actualy scar line was clinging to the breast material underneath which is pretty much what it looked like
So I had the 2nd surgery to get clear margins and sure enough the scar line seemed much less ugly and not stuck to underneath tissue but as time has passed ( I had sugery 3/4 weeks ago) the scar looks to have reattached again? Is this usual? my scar looks as though the two sides of drawn together skin are turning inwards so there is not line to see just the kind of crevice that you would need to pull apart to see where the cut was.
I start radium on Monday so dont want to reoperate just yet but can anyone tell me if this sounds normal and if I need to do anything about it, it is pretty ugly but I can live with it if I have to