Hi All,
Today i went for my results after 1st post treatment mammo & the surgeon said the report shows a difference to other breast & would like me to have an ultrasound, he said it may be scarring from the lumpectomy, has anyone else experienced this & its been ok ?
Am scared because when i was Dx they sent me for a US after mammo & said it was because my breasts were dense & not to worry then got told it was Bc
Hi Sarah
Sorry you’ve been given a scare. Just want to wish you all the best- when is the ultrsound to be? Hope you don’t have to wait long before getting a good result.
It must be awful playing the waiting game again. xx
Hi Sara,
I was in the same position as you’re in now please refer to my post , mammogram - one year post surgery. I was absolutely terrified to say the least.
I had such a fantastic response from everyone telling me it was fairly common to be recalled for one reason or another. If you think about it it’s reassuring to know that they err on the side of caution and recall you to double check that all is well!
Big hugs
Stella x
I too had a similar type situation in August last yr. I had felt some scarring and was sure there was a ‘lump’ too. After a mamogram, an ultrasound scan, a biopsy (yes, by this time I was very worried!) they were able to tell me that it was a cyst which they drained. Apparently quite common following WLE and scar tissue. I had my original WLE in September 2010.
I do hope you have the same reassuring outcome as me. Take care. J.
Hi Sarah,
what a worry again. It never seems to end does it! I had a mammogram and then an ultrasound and what looked inconclusive on the mammo was quite clearly the surgeons knife mark when seen on ultrasound, even to my untrained eyes. Its just a different way of viewing the area and, yes, it can mean scary stuff but much more frequently its just a double check and shows you’re being looked after. Take care,
Hi Sarah
I posted it on the 30th Aug 2010 and it was called mammogram results - one year post something or other. Hope this is enough info
big hugs
Stella x
I’m in the same scary place as you as had my 1st post treatment mammo on thursday and got letter to attend U/S on thursday this morning which basically scared the crap out of me but am glad I’ve logged on here to find it seems to be quite common still scary none the less…here’s hoping for good results
I had my 1st yr mammo and scan, and had to have a fine needle biopsy of a lump on the WLE site-- turned out to be fat necrosis caused by trauma from the op.
i received a phone call yesterday from surgeon who informed me that someone else has had a look at my mammo & they are happy it’s scar tissue so Ultrasound no longer required.
It’s now about 20 minutes since I wrote that and I have just come across your post re lymphoedema- so sorry to hear what you are going through. As MG says what a b**mer. Sending my best for a resolution very soon. x