UmbeOshi plums

Hi all,
Has anyone tried umbeoshi plums for nausea? I have really suffered with nausea and loss of appetite after 3 chemos despite various drug changes, and have read about them being useful for morning sickness, they are apparently very alkalising which counters the acidity which japaneses medicne suggests causes sickness.
Any one heard of them?
Herbi x

Hi Herbi,

Yes, I’ve heard of them. I bought some a few years ago for IBS, I’d read about their alkalising properties and the benefits for IBS. However, after trying one and gagging and nearly puking I decided they weren’t for me! They taste very salty and I mean VERY salty. If you can manage to take them you’re a better woman than I. Do update if you try them, as I’d be interested to know whether they cure your nausea or make you sick.
