I’m wondering if anyone else has been through similar. I have triple positive breast cancer and have Phesgo, Docetaxel and one other chemo drug every 3 weeks. As a complication of my second round of chemo I got necrotising fasciitis which led to an 8 day hospital stay and my third round of chemo being delayed while I was on antibiotics.
I was left with a wound around the size of a jacket potato which needed a vac dressing. My third round of chemo just ruined me, I was bed ridden, unable to eat or drink and lost 10kg. My oncologist now says I shouldn’t have chemotherapy while I still have the wound but it’s likely to take months to heal. I have no idea where this leaves me at all. My fourth round of chemo would have been due tomorrow and I’ve been told I’ll just be having the Phesgo injection and a magnesium infusion.
I’ve read about the dangers of delaying chemo for more than a week. I don’t know what will happen with my remaining three rounds or whether I should have surgery early or if the Phesgo is enough and I should keep having that for months and months until my wound heals and then resume chemo before surgery? Just interested really in approximate timescales so I know if/when I might get my life back.
I don’t seem to be able to get any straight answers from the oncologist or nurses, I seem to be just living week to week, not knowing what the plan is. Any advice on what is normal even in these cases would be greatly appreciated.