Unbelievable especially before my results tomorrow

SGL, wishing u all the best wih your results today.(and well done for sending the txt!) love alex xxx

SGL - Good for you! And I hope she feels really guilty!

What an unpleasant experience. I’ve had some problems on the brothers/sisters front where reaction to diagnosis was an immediate distancing. Never called me back etc etc. So it can be friends or closer. I didn’t confront it, because its family, so we are really stuck with going on in a “nice” way with each other, although I’ll never quite feel as close to them as before. One way or another, they’re part of life before BC, and I suppose we have to forge some new paths. I’ve gone very philosophical this morning - off to work now! K x.

Well done SGL! I think a lot of us have put some of our friends in the ‘was a friend’ box. I have too many fabulous friends and members of family to worry about the ‘was’. I have been using my energy/love on those. Sad that we have to do this, but you do feel better. Well done on sending your text. We have enough stress to worry about, without them. Best wishes Adi x