Unclear margins and more surgery

Hi, my name is Helen and I was diagnosed with DCIS in my left breast at the end of May following my routine mammogram.
I had a wide local excision with therapeutic mammoplasty to both breasts at the end of June. I recovered well from that but when I got my results 4 weeks later, I found out I needed more surgery as the margins weren’t clear.
I was devastated and have been on even more of an emotional rollercoaster than when I first found out the results of my biopsy.
Yesterday I had re excisions of the lateral and inferior margins with a local volume replacing flap. Has anyone else had this? I’m not sure what it means. I think it is just using tissue under the breast to try and ensure symmetry.I am in more pain than last time and feel anxious too. Don’t get the results of this surgery for 4 weeks. Would be interested to hear others experiences.


Helen :heart:sorry to hear you’ve had to have further surgery, it has happened to lots on the forum over the years where clear margins were not obtained on first operation. A friend who went through breast cancer same time as me 6 years ago had to have further surgery due to not obtaining clear margins first operation and I can happily advise 2nd op was a success and they are doing fine. I can offer any assistance regarding your operation hopefully others will pop on and share their experience but do let you team know of any discomfort so they can assist you. :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hi Helen . Sorry to hear you’ve had to go through this. I , like you was diagnosed through a regular mammogram. I didn’t have a clear margin so had to have further surgery. Thankfully it was ok the second time around. All I can say is try and stay as calm as you can; the waiting I think was the worst part. I was told it’s about following NICE guidelines ( which I also found myself reading​:flushed:) but the thing that kept me going was the thought that it’s better out than in!! Hope this helps :two_hearts:


I had 3 goes to get decent margins, and so far all is fine.

It’s the waiting for results that I find the worst


I know it’s so worrying and I have been where you are. I had a WLE, followed by two surgeries to get better margins. I then had a bilateral mammoplasty to clear the last bit and make the other side match. That was successful.
My surgeon did his best while trying to conserve as much as possible each time.
I was told it was more painful after the first one because the surgeon is going into the same wound which is still healing.
Hope that helps. x