I have just found out that, as I have an underactive thyroid, I shouldn’t eat green cabbage, sprouts, kale etc as it sends it haywire. My problem is I am trying (I don’t always succeed) to follow an anti cancer diet which includes all the veg stated above. Does anyone have an underactive thyroid that may know of alternative anti cancer veg or should I keep eating it anyway. Is there some kind of risk to my thyroid if I did carry on regardless.
Hi Beth
I have had an underactive thyroid for over fifteen years (and had breast cancer 5 years ago). I have never been told by anyone to alter my diet in any way because of my thyroid problem. How did you find out that you shouldn’t eat cruciferous veg? Over the fifteen years the amount of thyroxine I need to take has gradually increased but I have never been told this is because of what I have been eating. I try to eat all fruit and veg as much as I can as part of my own anti cancer precautions.
Best wishes
Beth, As Gwyn has said i have never been given that advice either. I have also got a underactive thyroid and have been on thyroxine for 20yrs, i currently take 250 per day.
I think the recurrence of cancer is a much bigger threat then any complications with the thyroid so i will continue my diet of lots of fruit and veg.
umm.edu/altmed/articles/hypothyroidism-000093.htm - 28k. (under nutrition and supplements) Although if you type in thyroid and broccoli there is a load of stuff that comes up. I agree with you that it’s more important to eat against cancer. I just wondered if anyone had any ideas of alternative but nutritional foods. Thankyou for replying. I had no idea of this until a few days ago when my sister heard it on tv and checked it out on the internet.