underarm pain
underarm pain for several weeks i have been suffering from underarm
pain in the unaffected breast. I have seen my doctor
and consultant who asure me that it is nothing to worry
about, but i do worry. I have lymphdeoma in my right
breast and had an intensive course of lymphatic
draining and am wondering if because all the fluid has
to drain via the left armpit it makes it painful. I would
be grateful if there is anyone else who has suffered
this problem. I would add that i can feel no lumps,
thickening or swelling but like a lot of us my brain goes
into overdrive. I feel loath to worry my family as now i am 18 months down the line and cheerful they think
i am hunky dory but dont know the sleepless nights
and the panic attacks that often occur. Do we ever
get over that fact that we have had BC?
Sorry to be such a wet blanket so near to the festive
regards gill
Hi Gill If you would like to chat to someone in confidence about how you are feeling and the concerns that you have at the moment, please feel free to contact our helpline on 0808 800 600. The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.
We also provide a support service known as ‘Peer support’ whereby you can be put in touch with someone (usually by telephone) who may have had similar experiences to yours. Peer supporters can offer support and an understanding of the emotional and physical effects that a diagnosis of breast cancer and treatents can have. You can find out more about this service via the ‘Support for you’ tab on our homepage or by contacting the helpline.
Kind regards
BCC Host