underarm pain

hi i am 4 weeks post op had to have my wound drained twice, had 13 glands removed and still have a lot of pain and discomfort running down my underarm, is this the same for anyone else


I had my op, including clearance of 24 lymph nodes, last June and now my arm is back to normal. For quite a while it felt weird and numb and I had strange sensations in it. It got me down thinking it was permanent but I continued with the exercises and then suddenly I thought ‘It’s OK’.

Some people do have some permanent numbness but I haven’t. Hopefully you’ll be the same.

It’s early days for you yet so give yourself some time & make sure you do the exercises.

Take care



I had my op about 4 weeks ago as well. At first it was very painful but now it is bearable with only a few sharp twinges here and there. I still have numbness under my arm and down to my elbow but am hoping that this will not last much longer. Found that doing exercises every day has helped. Hope you get sensations back soon


Hi Samsey

You might find it reassuring to read a couple of the BCC booklets.
These are ‘your operation and recovery’ and ‘exercises after breast cancer’ Both have lots information which may be useful. The links to these publications are as follows:-



I hope you find these helfpul

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Hi not sure if i’m posting on the right bit, I have a very painful right breast and underarm, I have the doctor later this evening but thought I would ask some advice here. I can’t feel any lump but could my pain etc be an indication of breast cancer?

Hi Lindsey

Here is a link to more information about breast awareness which may help you to understand what to look out for:


Best wishes

Hi Lindsey

How did you get on at the doctors?
