Underarm pain

Hi all

I haven’t posted on here for a while, I thought I would try and manage without and try and get on with my life a little.

Anyway, Had mastectomy in Jan 07 followed by chemo and now zoladex.
But for the past week or so I am having a lot of pain in my right armpit.
I had an ultrasound scan on my right breast 2 weeks ago as I felt something that didn’t feel right. However that was clear.

I have had a cold and dreadful cough for about a month, so could it be something to do with my glands being up?

Or am I being paranoid???

Has anyone else experienced something similar on the other side?

Take care


Hi Angie

You are welcome to send in your query to our team of specialist nurses via our ‘Ask the nurse’ service which you can find under the ‘Support for you’ tab at the top of this page, alternatively, you can call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best Wishes

Hi there, I too have underarm pain and numbness in the top of my arm and into my shoulder blade area, but have had pain in my joints since beong on Arimidex , so I wonder if they are connected. I had my op last may , but the numbness seems to be getting worse. . My G>P has had x rays done of lungs, arm etc but all clear , so just as a precaution is sending me for a bone scan, May be worth having a word with your g.p or b.c. nurse for reasurance I fnd the not knowing quite worrying. too , and start imagining I can feel swellings. Hope it improves for you

Best wishes
Ruffy p