Understanding experiences of informal caregivers and care recipients

What is the study?

ENTWINE is an exciting new international project being run by a group of young researchers that focuses on informal care-giving. Informal care-givers are those who provide care to a relative or friend with a chronic illness, disability or other long-lasting health or care need.

The aim of this study is  to investigate the challenges in informal care-giving. You can find out more about this study here: www.entwine-icohort.eu

Who is organising it?

Mikołaj Zarzycki and his research colleagues working as part of a European training network called ENTWINE.

What are the criteria for taking part?

If you are 18 years of age or over and you provide or receive informal care as a result of a chronic illness, disability, or any other long-lasting health or care need, then you may be eligible.

What do I need to do?

You can participate in the survey by following this link: bit.ly/2DYXtE6

When is the deadline?

The survey is open until March 2021.