I’ve developed lymphodema on my non cancer side of body arm and hand. Today i had mammogram and ultrasound of armpit and boob which came back normal. I should have felt elated but instead got into a terrible panic as there wasnt a simple explanation and therefor a treatment plan that i could get my head around. Im now going to have a CT scan to check for secondary cancer elsewhere.
Has anyone else had this lymphodema appearing on non surgical part of body? I was told at a talk about lymphodema by a clinical nurse specialist in lymphodema that in the UK lymphodema is only caused by surgery or cancer cells.
Hi Littlemrs
While you are waiting for replies may I suggest that you give our free helpline a ring on 0808 800 6000 and have a chat with one of the breast care nurses who are there to support you, lines are open to Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 – 2.00.
Best wishes
Hi my friend was recently diagnosed with lymphodeama in hand and wrist which apparently was caused by an old mosquito bite! She is a non cancer friend. She was shown same exercises as me following my axillary clearance. Hope this helps. X
thank you to you both for posting. I was asked about insect bites when I first went back to the BC clinic. I guess I should fpcus on taking care of my hand and arm and be patient about an explanation. My BC nurse said she can’t give me a sleeve until the cause is found. Narrowed blood vessels was mentioned as a possible side effect of radiotherapy was mentioned.
Hi little mRSI, I too have developed oedema on my non bc arm and hand about 3 days ago, just spent 24 hours at local hosps at they thought I may have a blood clot, have Hickman line on that side too to, had ct scan which did not show up anything due to have a Doppler ultra sound next week . Can,t think that I have damaged arm or hand no signs of anything, thought it may be to weather, not exactly painful more uncomfortable. Strange. Hope you get a reason for yours
sarah x