Unexplained Pain + swelling in foot?

Hi ladies
Just a quick query…
I have had a sore foot for a month now. It is on the top of my foot about an inch below the base of my toes. Its painful and a swollen and there seems to be a lump there. I havent dropped anything on my foot, or knocked it or anything so Im baffled about what the problem is. Its getting worse not better and Im starting to wonder if it could be BC related??
Question is, do we have lymph nodes in our feet? Sorry if this is a dumb question! Is it possible to get bone mets in your foot? And if so, can ut cause localised swelling? I probably should go the doctors but if its a possible BC-related problem, I’ll hold fire until I see my onc next week.

Hi Tina,

My OH is a podiatrist. It is very difficult to assess without seeing it but he suggested a few things that you may be able to google:-
ganglion cyst, morton’s neuroma, sesamoiditis or bony lipping on the joint.

Of course he recommends you see your Gp or a podiatrist but maybe if you could do a bit of detective work first, it may put your mind at rest.

julie x

Thank you julie I will google his suggestions.
Best wishes
tina xx