At my diagnosis, the doctor said “I can’t guarantee we can cure it but we’ll do our best” which is exactly what I DIDN’T need to hear at that time!!! I’ve since been paranoid at his choice of words, but the breast care nurse said she never puts it like that, she prefers to tell patients that “you’re on a curative path” and leave it at that xx
I’m having a vac biopsy to determine if the calcification is malignant… If so, it’s a mastectomy for me… Which is also not what I wanted to hear! xx
grocat your consultant sounds a bit insensitive and the bcn explanation is s gentler way of putting things
Sam I know other ladies on the site have had chemo first too I think we have to try and trust that our MDT is doing the best for our individual cancers x
Scooter good luck for tomorrow x
Anyone heard of sask yet? X
Thanks Sue. I’ve managed to sleep okay & just had my last pre op cuppa black tea. I had my radioactive injection yesterday afternoon & hey it didn’t hurt one bit! I was expecting it to be a real sting & then the nurse just said it’s done.
Yes I was surprised with the injection she said just rub the area to stop it stinging but it was pretty painless I am sure it will go well and update us to how you get on x big hugs x
Good luck Scooter, I’m sure you’ll be completely fine xx
My surgeon said ’ Have you brought anyone with you today?’ That really shook me up! Then when he gave me my results I went haywire! He left and then my BC nurse went through it all with me and I felt much better after that!!!x
When you first get diagnosed, it really is so overwhelming not only because of the news, but also because you suddenly have to know what all these complex medical terms are! I was just numb for the first few days, but I’ve got a more practical head on now… albeit still a scared one! x
Grogcat it is very scary but good to know that we can come on here for support. I am really struggling at the mo thinking about chemo. I feel so well but know i wont when it starts. CK is really helping with her posts and encouragment. Scooter good luck today you are in good hands xxx
I’m the same regarding chemo. I have health anxiety and I just know it’s going to make every tiny side effect 100x worse. My clinic offers CBT so I’m going to go for that to see if I can keep my anxiety at bay xx
I spoke to my bcn this morning grogcat. Tjey are always very reassuring. Keep going, we will get there xx
We will…and we will come out of this stronger, I’m sure xx
I have started to post just one positive on my fb everyday sometimes it is hard for it to be a big positive but at least if I am feeling down it makes me look for something to be positive about x
Hi ladies.
Day 11 and I have felt totally myself again apart from being a little tired after been shopping! The difference now is I don’t have to work so can rest when needed. It is a good thing to rest!.
I invested in some bobble hats from Primark today. £2 each? I went because my daughter liked my new hospital overnight bag and wanted one for Uni, so she doesn’t steal mine!!!
I also invested in a flask! Saves me having to boil water all the time for one brew and can take it up to bedroom with me to add to Herbal teas in the middle of the night!
Now just watching so.e TV with my mum and catching up with my lovely ladies.
Hope you are all on a good day.xx
Hi ladies.
Day 11 and I have felt totally myself again apart from being a little tired after been shopping! The difference now is I don’t have to work so can rest when needed. It is a good thing to rest!.
I invested in some bobble hats from Primark today. £2 each? I went because my daughter liked my new hospital overnight bag and wanted one for Uni, so she doesn’t steal mine!!!
I also invested in a flask! Saves me having to boil water all the time for one brew and can take it up to bedroom with me to add to Herbal teas in the middle of the night!
Now just watching some TV with my mum and catching up with my lovely ladies.
Hope you are all on a good day.xx
I know easier said than done but a clear mind and trying to carry on our days as normal as possible when feeling good will help us to a more successful and speedy recovery! We can do this together!!!xxx
Thank you for this CK. The thought of chemo is very daunting. The closer mine gets, the more scared I’m making myself. Hearing that it’s possible to regain normality throughout it is very reassuring xxx
Well done CK. Enjoy being with your mum and feeling normal!! You are giving us great tips xx
Hi Grogcat
Try to look back on my chemo posts from day one.
It really hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. Even though we don’t know day to day how we are going to feel and how we will be next cycle it’s good to take a day at a time and deal with it. Being in control is good too although you might not think you can be but you can. Sorting hair, hats, wigs, food, sweets to suck on, digital thermometer, travel sickness bands, extra anti sickness pils, ginger bisuits, ginger drops, murray mints,creams, mouthwashes, ways to help to sleep etc beforehand are ways to be in control. I had everything to hand in my chemo basket when I started and used most of it! Its now restocked with extra nuts and raisins, chocolate minstrels, skittlesas these are what I fancied the most!
If we have a very tough day(high temp, breathing problems etc) we pick up the phone and get the paramedics in to check us out! If we need to go hospital we go to hospital it’s the best place to be if needed!
I know it’s all easy saying than doing but please don’t worry to much as this won’t help treatment. Try to have a calm mind and do some breathing exercises every morning or get yourself to Maggie’s Centre and mingle with ladies in the same boat. This also helps knowing you are not alone…and of course we have this forum and our amazing CCs.xx