Unpleasant sensatio post mx

I had a smx 5 weeks and an axiĺlary clearance 2 weeks ago. Significant nerve pain after mastectomy and have been prescribed gabapentin which has helped. Over the whole area where the breast was is incredibly sensitive and also quite numb
can’t bear anything to touch it like clothing, if it moves over it, it is a really unpleasant and unbearable sensation. Couldn’t really say it’s pain but difficult to describe. Ironically it feels better if there is light but constant pressure such as putting my hand on it. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything they found that helps? Its really getting me down as its not improving at all and I’m scared I am stuck with this…

I know just what you mean about pain and numbness along mx scar. I wore post op bra with softie to keep pressure on for 10 days 24/7. But yours was 5 weeks ago. Have you spoken to your bcn? Maybe they should take a look.

Consultant pretty dismissive of pain so far…seeing her again on friday for my follow up so will try and duscuss with bc nurse then

Hi Maggie 13, I had a dmx with immediate implant reconstruction & SNB 7 weeks ago. What you’ve described is exactly the way I am feeling! It started approx 2 weeks after my surgery, as the feeling started to return. I too have been prescribed Gabapentin & I’m currently on 1200 mg a day. I’m feeling better than I was 5 weeks ago but still have the really unpleasant sensation where parts of my skin are unbearable to touch. I’ve tried all sorts from wearing very tight bras ( not really recommended with implants!) to putting sticking plaster over the sensitive areas to prevent anything rubbing against the skin there. How are you feeling now & has the discomfort eased any for you? Have you found anything which helps?

Hi chelle,
It is now over 3 months since my surgery and things are slowly getting better…the only thing that worked for me was a compression bandage 24/7 and constant heat pad. I have been having acupuncture but not sure it has necessarily helped. I think it has just gradually healed and while I can still feel a smaller area of discomfort it is much less unpleasant. The acupuncturist also gave me some ointment to massage in twice a day and I found this soothing. I am now down to just 600mg gabapentin and would like to cut out altogether but have had some other complications so have left for a while. Plus think it helps the hot flushes as well. It may have been slightly easier for me because it was my arm. Hang in there, it will get better! Good luck Helen

Thanks Helen, I’m pleased to hear you’re gradually starting to feel better- that must be such a relief to you. Interesting to hear about the compression bandage helping, as that’s exactly how I feel in terms of pressure being the only thing that truly works. It’s good to hear there’s light at the end of the tunnel! My bc nurse had also mentioned trying acupuncture along with other treatments such as reflexology so I’ll give those a go. The massage technique is also another one I’d read about in terms of it desensitising & retraining the nerves, so I’ll try that too. Thank you for coming back to me on it & I hope you continue to improve xx