Unsure about biopsy follow-up appointment

Hello lovely ladies,


I was hoping for some advice on what to expect at a follow-up appointment with the consultant at the breast clinic. I had my initial breast clinic appointment a week ago and had a core biopsy taken. Doctors didn’t seem overly concerned and asked if I would be happy receiving the results by post. I confirmed that I would prefer to receive the results in the mail - no need to take time off work unnecessarily and I don’t want to waste the time of the NHS consultants either! Much to my surprise, I received a call today requesting that I come in to the breast clinic for a follow-up appointment with the consultant in two days time, so 9 days after my biospy.


I had been fairly relaxed after my initial breast clinic appointment, as I had felt reassured that it was most likely nothing. I am now a bit concerned and unsure what to expect. When I asked what the appointment was for, no one could give me any information! Just that it was probably because my biopsy results had arrived. Has anyone got any experience with unexpected follow-up appointments being made after a biopsy? I don’t want to make my husband take the day off work and drag him along unnecessarily if it’s nothing to worry about, but if it is bad news I would want him there. Any advice and suggestions would be most welcome!


Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m in same position. I’ve just been given an appointment to get my biopsy results and wondering if an appointment is more likely to mean bad news than a letter… I suspect it’s just good practise to provide/discuss results in person and it doesn’t mean there’s anything to worry about. They might have even just forgotten about your request to hear via letter by preference?


As for taking your husband along with you, I was alone for my initial appointment and even the biopsy came as a shock. I wish my partner had been there then, so I’ll be dragging him along to my appointment just in case! If it’s good news then it’ll be a nice excuse for a tea and cake date!


Wishing you all the best and keeping my fingers crossed for you :smileyhappy:


C x

Dear C,

Thanks for replying, and best of luck with your follow-up appointment! I just had a call back from a member of the hospital breast care team, and she explained that she didn’t have any details about my case but that the appointment would be because of “unexpected” results or if further tests were needed. She also suggested I bring someone along.

Even though I will feel very silly if it ends up (as is likely) being nothing, I have asked my husband to come along just in case.

Best wishes! Xx

Hi ladies , it is normal to have a follow up appointment for results, they don’t send them out in the post so I’m surprised you were told this. You would afterwards get a copy of them but certainly not before you had been given them in person.

It’s always a good idea to take someone with you as what ever the result it’s hard to take it all in at the time. 

Try not to get yourself in a panic, you can’t change the outcome Xx jo

Hi Jo,

Thanks for your reply. I too was surprised when I was offered a choice between having a follow-up appointment with the consultant and receiving the biopsy results in the post, but that is definitely what happened at the end of my initial breast clinic appointment. Perhaps it is a new alternative being offered in my area? I’m not sure.

Anyway, you’re completely right! No point in panicking; it’s probably all fine, and even in the unlikely case that it is not then worrying won’t help. I was just completely caught by surprise, that’s all, so was looking for potential reasons. Luckily I don’t have long to wait. Xx

Hi Rachael,


I had a very similar experience three years ago age 37. I had an ultrasound and core biopsy on the same day and they told me it didn’t look suspicious but only a biopsy could tell for sure. They told me they would book a phone consultation to give me the result (I was quite surprised but also reassured by this as thought they must be pretty certain all’s ok.) They gave me a time exactly a fortnight later but within a few days I got a call to say could I attend the hospital three days later to see the consultant. Panicked like crazy!! Thought it must surely be bad news…


Took hubs along to appointment where I was told it was a benign Fibroadenoma - quite large, 4x3 cm so they needed to discuss if I wanted to have it removed or not. I asked if this was the reason they couldn’t tell me by phone and  he said yes as I needed to discuss with him the options and fully understand what the lump was. Decided to leave it be and when checked recently it has now reduced in size to less than 3x2cm. Have also had another Fibroadenoma and a cyst since then so am very familiar with that breast clinic! 


I know you will still feel worried but hope this at least reassures you that an appointment doesn’t necessarily mean bad news.


All the best. Fingers crossed for positive news for you. 


Love Helen xx