Unsure,need some advice:S

Hi everyone,

My names Maxine and I am 23 years old. I have been a bit worried recently about my breast and came across this extremely helpful site so thought I would take the chance to get some advice. I hope that is ok.

About a year ago I started noticing a red, scaley type rash on my nipple. It started as just a small rash but over the months it got worse and worse …to the point it looked like I had one massive nipple. I got extremely worried about it but it started to get better so I just assumed that was the end of it. It never entirely disappeared but didn’t bother me much at the time.

Now its back and allot worse again. It’s really painful, scaley and bright red. I thought at first it was just eczema but after trying some creams from the dr they don’t seem to help at all. (I have told my DR twice about this but he has never actually had a proper look)

I have started to have a burning sensation and short sharp shooting pains along thee side as well as pain under my arm on the affected side (This is only one one side) I don’t have a lump or any breast cancer history or anything in my family so I wasn’t to worried about that until I started reading things online.

I Was wondering if anyone has had the same sort of thing? I think I may just be being a bit paranoid because its on my breast really but Can’t seem to stop worrying about it.

Any advice would be massively appreciated.

Many Thanks


Hi Maxine

I’m sorry to hear that you are having a pretty difficult time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Im sure you will get good help and support on here but someone so young should go to the GP straight away. It may well be nothing but you should still seek help from a gp. you say this started last year and i wonder why you havent already been to the gp. Is it because you may be afraid of what he/she will say?

Hi Maxine,

This could probably well be nothing but please don’t leave it any longer, go to your doctor today.


Hi Maxine,

As I see it you have nothing to lose by going to your GP and everything to gain. Pluck up the courage, pick up the phone and make an appointment, NOW, not tomorrow or the day after, but NOW.

Do you have someone close who could go with you to your GP? I was scared when I made my initial appointment, a family member accompanied me and helped me stay calm.

Please Maxine make what you know is a necessary appointment.

Good luck pet, and do keep us informed.

Thank you all for taking the time to give me some advice. Its very much appreciated.

I have been to the doctors twice about it but my doctors hasn’t even looked at it. He just gave me a steroid cream and told me to use it and see how it went. It didn’t work so I went back and they gave me a different type again not looking at it.

I think i would have felt alot better if he had actually checked out my breast instead of just giving me creams etc.

I went to see the practice nurse recently and shes referred me to a breast clinic so hopefully I get some answers.

Again thank you for all your help xx


Good news that you are being referred, you will feel relieved that someone is listening now. Please let us know how you get on take care xx

Glad that you got in with the clinic. I am waiting for my appt next week. The wait can seem long sometimes (though, I am always the anxious type). I have found the support here such a help. Wish the very best at your appointment.