unsure of my symptoms

Hi ladies. I have read and searched on net work sites for my answers but still not sure.
I was blow drying my hair in the mirror and noticed a dent in my areola just under my nipple And a very large vein under the dent. and a bruise like marking or a shadowing at the left of my full nipple about 2"long

.having some stinging like pain on and off
Not painful but like toothache. Been to doctors she said she has made an appointment for a mammogram and I attend on 24th dec… just want to ask anyone have you had any of my symptoms? ? Thank you xxx

sorry my symptoms were very diferent to yours so can’t comment on them, but I do know how worrying it is finding something “wrong”. Its good your appointment is soon although horrid timing - hoping you get good news.

Thank you so much for your comment . Appreciate it so much xxx