Thanks ladies I,ll see what he says x
Thank you so much Cackles much appreciated.
Love Alanaa xxxx
Here,s to a good night tonight I came away from Drs with Zopiclone, Iron tablets and a higher dose of Bp meds, my Bp is up surprise surprise,I wonder why that could be ha ha.
Hey ladies appt went well with daughter. She’s still not sure if she wants to be tested…l she doesn’t want a blood test but they said they could offer her a mouthwash test so this gas made her more keen to have it than if it was a needle but shes still not really too sure.
Because of her MH problems I think the counsellor is a but wary too that it could make her feel worse and more depressed… And she said she would think about what to if she tested positive only if she needed to… So I think that he thinks she’s not ready to be tested but will see how she feels about it over the next while till he sees her again.
Anyways I did have a good sleep last night… think the pink fizzy stuff helped!
Have lunch with the Edinburgh breast buddies tomorrow so looking forward to that.
Hope you all get good sleeps tonight with or without sleeping tablets.
Lulu x
Megamum did you get yourself sorted!!! I wish something could sort me. I seem to have what I call a “power sleep” for and hour . I go to bed exhausted, fall asleep straight away and then waken up an hour later full of the joys of Spring but not tiredness or the ability to go back to sleep. So I have given it three hours now and it is past the time when I want to take a tablet…silly me. Tomorrow afternoon will be nap time I suppose.
Lulu are you nodding for once? Enjoy your day out with the girls.
Wooo i,ve slept from 11ish to now 0545, i was unsure about taking a zopiclone but it seems to have worked x
So glad, megsmum that you got a good nights sleep, did you wake up with fuzzy head ? If not they are perfect for you, sometime they don’t always work for me but I have other cotributing factors though…Glad you were so proactive and got them there and then :o)
Clare xxx
Hi clare i was a bit wobbly but once i had a coffee and biscuit which i brought back to bed i was fine, i needed to sleep as tonight we are going on a sponsored “ghost” hunt to raise money for our local childrens hospice, yes we are mad i know but this was arranged before Bc. We will be out until the early hours.
Has anyone who has taken Zopiclone woke up with a strange taste in their mouth my hubby says it is a side effect.
Megamum fantastic you will be do much better for that good kip…taste in mouth is awful isn’t it. I get it too, that is why I avoid them if I can, but sometimes sleep is more important than breakfast. It goes by about 10 hours after you have taken the.
I went to my doctors and asked for something to help me sleep and they refused on the grounds I could get hooked on sleeping pills… I only wanted one good nights sleep! They prescribed me an antidepressant which made me like a walking Zombie all day. My sleep pattern is nowhere near as bad as it was when I was first diagnosed. I worried for my family and for my handicapped daughter even more. I was even worse during Chemo and then I started to sleep a little better while I was on the antidepressants but like I say I was like a Zombie during the day…After taking Hormone Therapy your up all night with flushes and joint ache. Its hard to believe we’ll ever get back into a ‘normal’ sleep pattern after this…My Oncologists said he can’t understand why I can’t sleep??? Perhaps he should change places with one of us for a week! x
Aramis why dont you go and see another Dr if there is one and tell him how you feel, (i think sometimes its easier to get methadone)i think we all cope better when we,ve had sleep as for your oncologist like you say he should try this ride ans see if he sleeps well, i dont intend taking it every night but its there if i do and lets face it sleeping tablets are no more addictive than some other drugs eg. Painkillers but they get dished out easily enough. X
Believe me I have tried. I have been to see three different doctors in our Group Practise and I get the same response. They have all said they don’t prescribe sleeping tablets even to Cancer patients because they become addictive. I have even told them that my cancer care nurse said it would help me over a difficult period…brick wall! They are more than happy to give me Mmirtazapine for depression on repeat prescription but a sleeping pill no way. I worry about taking the antidepressant dru gs because of all the other medication I need to take…surely a body can take only so much and the side effects to all the drugs are horrendous…chemo, Herceptin, hormone therapy, anti inflammatries and antidepressants… One nights sleep that’s all I want!
Aramis x
Tried and failed, again! I’m getting so fed up of not sleeping, I have no trouble sleeping from between 6.00am - 7.00am, but then I don’t waken until around 11.00am or 12.00, not good as I miss most of the day which is OK when the weather’s bad but once better weather is settled I’d like to be up earlier. It’s so frustrating, before BC I wasn’t a great sleeper but I did manage to get to sleep about 3.00am and if only I could again I’d feel so much better. I’ve tried counting sheep but I’m so agitated I lose the bl**dy sheep as can’t concentrate on them.
aramis, poor you! I can understand GP’s not wanting to dish out sleeping pills like smarties but you are only asking for a few, you’d think they could prescribe one or two without the fear of you becoming addicted. Have you tried Piriton which sometimes works for me, worth a try anyway.
I took a sleeping pill last night and still didn’t sleep it was 5.00am last time I looked at the clock. I think I’ll be resorting to a bottle of red wine in future if this insomnia carries on!
Lulu, good that your dau’s appointment went OK, how would you feel if she decides not to be tested? I suppose the test can be left for a few years, can it? It’s an awful situation as she may well prove negative which would mean lots of worry lifted, but if she’s positive then that would add to the worry. I’m sorry you and she have to think about it. Lulu. On a lighter note, did you enjoy lunch with the Edinburgh ladies?
Ah well, I’ll try to get some shuteye soon. I hope everyone else is having sweet dreams.
Libby x
Aramid, you poor thing to have such unfeeling doctors. You could try a letter to the Head of the practice and Oncology Consultant to ask if the Chief Executive of the Trust amd Lead Clinician in the Cancer Patients partnership held the same views. The Cancer patient’s survey has just come out and you could mention the fact that you will be expressing your concerns on that. It includes GPs practices. The Helpline has contact details of the best way put in a complaint. These views are NOT held by all.
I so hope you can get something, a local pharmacist might help. There are some mild tablets that are antihistamine based that can be bought over the counter…Peter Rabbit ate lettuce which made him soporific!!!
I was prescribed night sedation by the on call oncology registrar when I had talked to the chemo sister about sleepless nights. Worth a try?
Best wishes
My gp only too happy to give me low dose sleeping pills, but I only take them when I really need a nights sleep as they make me feel so drowsy the next day.
I have however found a natural remedy in boots called sleepeeze (their own make) and I find they help me to drift off.Come in 2 strengths as as I always wake up I take the low strength so I can take another to get back to sleep.They may not work for everyone and I did check with pharmacist they were ok to take with other pills.
Why, oh why can’t I sleep!
And where’s the sleep fairy the lazy little imp? If I see her, which is doubtful - as I’m sure she’s gone on strike- I’ll catch her and imprison her for a couple of days, yeah I know selfish, but I NEED a good nights sleep, and I’ll release her after her duties here are done and post her on to the next insomniac.
I hope no-one else visits this thread tonight, wishing everyone a sound and blissful sleep.
Going now to toss and turn for a couple of hours - no doubt I’ll be back later.
Oh Libby…I hope you have managed to drop off by now, not sure what my excuse is apart from cramp again…same time, its as though my body is on auto timer as its the same time every night. To make matters worse, the remote for my bed was obviously not attatched properly and this beached whale had a hell of a job picking it up off the floor with a foot before I could move… lucky it has a little guiding light so at least I can locate it…
Sleep well hun
Clare xxx
Could you ask your gp for something to help for a couple of nights help break the non-sleep cycle?
I’ll join you tonight. I am a lifelong chonic insomniac. I usually don’t bother going online in the middle of the night. I watch things on my little DVD player until it makes me doze off. When it doesn’t I may resort to a sleeping pill or a wee shot of something relaxing around 40% proof. I had a decent sleep last night probably due to exhaustion so I might have known I would see the wee small hours today. I think my body has adjusted over the years and I can actually function not too badly on little sleep. My OH could sleep for Scotland but he obviously needs it more than me.
I am off now to watch more of my box set of “The Good Wife”
Libby I echo what Choccie says. Sometimes just knowing I have sleeping plls in the drawer helps me to relax and get to sleep