Up coming Consultation with Surgeon

Hello all,

I have an upcoming appointment with the general surgeon to discuss my double mastectomy. I want to be as prepared as I can with questions and concerns. Can anyone offer questions they had or would have asked? 
thank you ? 

Dear Liso,

So sorry to read you are having surgery very soon, I would say try not to worry to much at the moment (very easy for me to say). One day at a time is the best medicine.

I would make a note of any question that comes into your head whatever your doing at the time obviously this is a big operation so you need to know recovery time, how much help your going to need, also are you having a reconstruction, however at your appointment your breast cancer nurse will there to support you, she will also come up with some suggestions to you.

You could actually give her a telephone call beforehand to see whether she would have any suggestions for you. Please take good care of yourself build yourself up for this surgery.

We have all been there, understand how your feeling, please post when you feel ready and let us know how your getting on.

Wishing you health and happiness going forward 

biggest hugs Tili ???