Update and just wondering

Oh Jen I get what you mean Hun x but onwards and uo rads on bc airways xx

That should have been upward autocorrect again lol x

I think we all are up and down and thinking it’s so surreal. I wake up thinking I’ve had a dream! It’s most certainly taken over my life and I’ve had many knockbacks. My mind wanders a lot too…not good but deep down I know whatever treatment they give me it’s to make me well again and as a precaution for my future. This morning I was in tears again but then went to work to occupy myself and even then was looking online for hats.xxx

I went hat shopping with a friend (years ago before bc) and despitevtryingbon xbout 30 I could not find one I liked so we decided I had not t got s head for hats so maybe I need to try s bandana type headwear xx

Ive seen ladies with bandana type and they looked good. I can’t be bothered with tying scarves and too much fuss and just need a straight on the head hat.xx

I have lymph node involvement although I don’t know to what extent as I had a suspicious looking lymph node biopsies when I had my breast biopsied.
I have been told I will have chemo before surgery.
It feels strange knowing I am still walking around with the cancer still inside me. I just want my treatment to start or at least know what’s on the table. It seems to be dragging on. Which in reality it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I was first diagnosed but well I guess I know why we are called patients!
I have an appointment tomorrow to find out the results of my staging scans. They were checking for spread. I am very apprehensive and have been panicking about every ache and twinge- many of which more than pre date my diagnosis.
So hoping to be distracted today at work and then again tomorrow. Appointment at 3 tomorrow and I will know what I am up against and I can get on with my treatment.
Wishing you all the best

Happy I was diagnosed on 21st June and had surgery on 8th August because I wanted to go on the holiday I booked prior to diagnosis x 3 weeks isn’t a long time but I know what you mean unfortunately a lot of this is a game of waiting for results or appointments x once you start treatment you will feel better I am sure if they knew of my lymph node involvement prior to lumpectomy then chemo may have been first but they thought no node involvement x good luck tomorrow with scan results and donplease keep us informed xxxx

Morning ladies.
Thanks for your kind words and reassuring comments about my staging scan results today.
Will let you all know how it goes.

Morning happy good luck and catch up later xx