Okay so the just wondering did anyone else have a mirena coil removed I have not had a period since removal though at beginning of July but was declared peri menopausal 3 years ago so not surprised BUT since coil removal having really frequent hot flushes may just be a coincide so wondered if anyone else has experienced this. Secondly my scan is Wednesday st 6pm I am scared not of the scan but of the horrible waiting and the results I know I am being silly because scan is precautionary but I can’t stop this overload of ? in my head xx
Hi Sue - I’d had the mirena coil in for 4 years when I was diagnosed and had it removed just before my mastectomy in February - I was ER+ PR+ HER2 neg and because the coil produced progesterone I just had it taken out without really enquiring with the breast hospital - couldn’t stand anything in me producing hormones! I didn’t then have a period for 3 months and wasn’t quite sure if it was the Tamoxifen or just in general - well… I then (after 3 months) had the period from hell! Bled so much I nearly thought I needed medical help. In the end I was fine and since then have had a heavy period each month since - my coil was in place for heavy periods in the first place rather than contraception so i’ve just returned to my pre-coil menstruative state unfortunately ?
Thanks Alex at the moment I not on any hormone blockers but I too am er and pr positive hence removal … its these flushes driving me mad and me wondering if mirena was contributing factor to bc I seem to over think everything lately x
Hi Sue, hope you’ve had a good day. I don’t know anything about the coil, but understand how why you’re nervous about the scan results because i’m feeling the same. The consultant said it was precautionary to me as well, but I’m still feeling anxious about it. Good picture by the way! (where did you find it?!) :smileyhappy: xx
Lol it came up on my phone don’t get them on my computer x my nephew and his wife driovr from Ipswich to Birmingham to come and see me so was really touched x sorry jencat can’t remember have you had your scan yet ? If so when is your results appointment xx
No Jen. I assume it will be in the usual 2 week time frame unless they are going to give results before my 2nd surgery which would be nice in case in the worst case scenario I need more surgery xx as would hope to get it done in 1 go xx
Can you see a screen or anything on ct scan? X worried I will scare myself
No Jen no bone scan x have you got to have bone scan? X
CT scan very quick and you can’t see anything the technician goes behind a screen to look at in and you slide in and out a few times but injection does make you feel like you have wet yourself !!
Thanks Jill and Jen x I feel like everything took a whole new turn once I knew there was lymph node involvement until then I was calm and rational but now I am a massive over thinker x
It’s hard not to be ,especially when you have been surprised like you were with results that no-one expected .
Defineltly as US didn’t pick up lymph involvement although the first consultant I saw said he felt it In my nodes - which I didn’t know could happen - then consultant who did scan said no … the first consultant is now my full time one and to be fair I really like him despite his job and the news he had to tell me I do feel confident in him and he always says it how it is x
Jen I had it in 4 out of 5 nodes removed what was yours ? X
Good that you have confidence in this Consultant .When I was diagnosed the doctor told me he wasn’t worried and biopsy was only a precaution -but turned out he was wrong !!!
Jill so did you have further node removal and chemo sorry I have a million questions x
Hi Sue no ,they thought the original abnormality that showed up on my mammogram was unlikely to be cancer and told me they were not concerned but would do biopsy as precaution.It would appear that nothing is certain til they remove and analyse tumour and nodes they can only make an educated guess.
Big smack in the face for you then too and you totally get the tumultuous feelings we are all going through x thank you for facing my interrogation I will now lower my torture light lol xxx
Yes,bit of s shock -they didn’t even make me a proper appointment just a telephone one for the results .
So will it be your decision or theirs ? X
Perhaps it’s best to throw everything at it you can x