Update from Me - 33 weeks pregnant!

Update from Me - 33 weeks pregnant!

Update from Me - 33 weeks pregnant! Hi All

Not sure if you remember me but i posted back in September to let you know i was pregnant. Im now 33 weeks pregnant and really looking forward to meeting our much wanted baby. I do worry all the time about the changes in my breast and have gone up to a DD on one side and still a C on the reconstructed side so look very odd but hey ho, nevermind.

Had some terrible news in December, my mum was diagnosed with BC and is currently on her 2nd lot of chemo. I think we are going to look into genetic testing as i have 2 sisters but it may be that my cancer was just a freak thing and mum is at high risk age so may not be connected.

Lots of love to you all

Muggie x

Congrats Muggie Congrats Muggie
I am so pleased to hear some great news. Often with this breast cancer we get so consumed with all of the bad things associated with it and it is easy to forget that some people actually go on to lead normal lives and are able to have children etc. Children are such a gift and i am so pleased for you. I would love nothing more than to be able to fill my arms with a bundle of joy but i know that in my case this won’t happen. I am able to find comfort in other peoples children and enjoy them. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and hope that you will post the good news when this prescious bundle arrives.
We look forward to hearing how you and the baby are doing

Congratulations Hi Muggie,
Congratulations on your baby, its lovely to hear such news.

Good luck with everything and keep up posted.

Kind regards


So pleased for you! Hiya,

I remember your postings, cant believe you are 33 weeks already, where does the time go.

Im so pleased to hear that you are doing well, its nice to hear of things going right for a change, although I am sorry to hear about your mum. Im sure your a real rock for her and having a new member join the family real soon will help her through and give her something else to focus on, and what could be better.

Good luck with the genetics testing and more importantly the labour - dont envy that bit!!

Enjoy every bit of your new baby, they grow up too quickly.

Ju xx

Hi There Hi Muggie

It is you that got married in Cuba is’ nt it?
Remember we chatted before when you got pregnant we had just come back from our son’s wedding in Cuba.
Great to see your post have been thinking about how you were going on but could not remember you name. so from now on keep us posted!
Never mind about the odd boob it will be worth it in the end. cannot wait to see the babys photo on your profile. (do you know if it is a boy or girl)

Sorry to hear about your Mum but you will both be there for one another haveing gone through the same thing.

Keep Well

Hi Muggie,
Glad you and the baby are doing well. Sorry to hear about your mother. Let us know what you have and what he or she is called.
All the best,
Lisa x

Thanks girlies for all your lovely messages.

Its funny to be posting something like this rather than about BC. I can honestly say that i never thought i would ever get to the stage where BC didnt control my life anymore. At one point i was on the web, reading up about Cancer and thinking about it 24/7. It felt like i would never get over it, although it was gone from my body it controlled my mind.

Well, sat here at 37 weeks just waiting now. We didnt find out what sex baby was, we wanted to have a suprise. We have decided on a girls name, Isabella, and for boys we have two names, either George or Harrison (i really love George so hoping we can choose that) I promise i will post with pics as soon as baby is born.

Janet, yes it was me that got married in Cuba, what a beautiful place that is! Hope you and your family are all well.

Thinking of you all. Keep positive and stay strong

Muggie xxx