Update on mom

Hi everyone! I don’t know who will remember me. I posted a couple of times over the last month or so. My mom had her lumpectomy along with removal of some breast tissue, the sentinal lymph node and two other lymph nodes almost two weeks ago. All three lymph nodes were sent for pathology and only one of the three lymph nodes had a microscopic trace of metastasis. The surgeon told her that she would probably only need radiation, but she will not know for sure until tomorrow when she is to see her oncologist for the her treatment plan.

I am so pleased that her prognosis is good. She sounds so much better now that she has had the surgery and understands her situation better. Her spirits are up and she is ready for whatever treatment comes next. Her voice was so weakened and frail up until after the surgery. Having the surgery was a real boost to her because the tumor is gone now. She sounds like my mom again :o)

I wanted to thank you all again for your support and advise. I was so lost and my mind was in a very scary place. I will continue to have all of you wonderful women in my thoughts and prayers. You are all so strong and amazing!!! xoxo

What good news - that’s wonderful! Having clear nodes is a really good sign and let’s hope she doesn’t need chemo. Even if she does though, with a daughter like you (sorry if I’m wrong to assume you’re female!) she’ll have loads of help and support.

Now she’s got the nasty thing out and knows something more definite she really will feel so much better - we all agree that it’s the waiting that’s the worst, and having a treatment plan and knowing what’s going to happen is a massive relief.

Your mum will still have her emotional ups and downs and she’s really going to need you so do keep coming on here and asking all the questions you, or your mum, need answering. Remember the mantra - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STUPID QUESTION!

You can also both use the BCC helpline if you need someone to talk to - it’s for family and friends as well.

Good luck to you both - sending loads of hugs your way!

Jane xxx

Thank you so much :o) (yes, i’m a girl lol) She went to see the oncologist and because of the one lymph node having the small amount, she will be receiving chemo. She will start in two weeks. They will place a port in her chest and then she will receive her first three weeks of treatment with a one week break and then another three weeks of treatment followed by radiation. I do not know if they typically have a period of recovering from chemo or if they start radiation immediately following her chemo. Me and my older brother are ordering her some balm for her breast area for the radiation and some chemo hats online that a 10 year survivor of inflammatory breast cancer makes and sells on ebay. They come in a lot of very pretty fabric choices. She was hoping that she would not need chemo, but I told her that it is better to be safe and that chemo is her insurance policy sort of to greatly reduce the risk of future problems. She is accepting it and moving forward, eager to get this behind her. She is even joking and laughing now where before her surgery, she was very down.

Great news, sugarmagnolia, particularly that your Mom has rediscovered herself and her sense of humour.

PS There is a VERY long thread about Top Tips for Chemo somewhere - no one needs ALL the advice there but you could try wading through it- or just ask questions as they arise. It sounds as if she will have good back up but maybe you could do with coming back here and asking again.