update on mum

Dear Holly

So sad to hear your news. There’s never the right words to say at time like these. Remember that you did all you could for your mum. I’m glad you were with your mum at the end (I missed my mum dying, which I regret terribly). You might find life surreal at times. Its odd, and hard to understand, that things just carry on as normal around you. Take each day one at a time and as others have said, your memories of yor mum will always be with you.

Sending you and your family my condolences. You are in my thoughts. xxx

Dear Holly and Nipper

I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. I’ve been following this thread but not for a few days and I’m so upset to hear that you have both lost your mums.

Thinking about you both and your families at this difficult time.

Lynn xx

Dear Holly

So very sad and sorry for you on the loss of your mum. It is very hard, but you will learn to deal with it, and your memories of your mum will live forever and help you through the hard times. I still think of my Mum daily and also find myself telling her things now and again, and wondering wot she would have made of my children etc.

It does become easier over time (4 years since my mum died), but you will always miss her, and probably like me part of you died with her.

Sending you a massive hug and lots of love, and sincere condolences to you and your family.


I’m so sorry Holly, my Mum died nearly 6 months ago, I was with her at the time and it’s been a hard six months…thinking of you at this sad time…Take Care, Much Love…x.x.x

Dear Holly

On behalf of the moderation team at Breast Cancer Care please accept our sincere condolences to you and your family.

If you feel you need to speak to someone in confidence please don’t hesitate to contact the helpline, the staff are here for you. (0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm)

Take care Holly

Thinking of you at this sad time.
sarah x

Dear Holly and Nipper

Just wanted to send you both my sincere condolences and to tell you how sorry I am to hear about both of your losses
My thoughts are with you both.

Big hugs
Ruby xxx