update on mum


I’m so sorry about the loss of your mum. I can’t imagine what you are going through it’s a very tough time.

You take care of yourself xxx

Mum is now in the hospice she went yesterday, it’s very nice. It’s really scary they told her yesterday that she’s very ill. They are worried the clots could go to her heart and also her heart is racing. I just hope she gets through this and picks up. They even asked her had she thought about dying. Is this just normal procedere?

I am involved with funerals with my business and I got really upset yesterday when I had to go out on one.

Holly xx

Hi Holly, my Mum died in April. She had ovarian cancer which was only discovered a few days before she died. My Mum never liked to really talk about my mets, although she was always very supportive. In hospital she was asked very similar questions and told very similar things to your Mum so I guess it is the normal procedure Mum found it upsetting though. Take Care Holly…x.x.x

Holly - glad yur mum is being cared for in hospice and it seems a nice place.
I was also shocked when I went into the hospice for pain control after my rads to my oesophagus and bones to be asked if I wanted to be resuscitated if anything happened and how prepared myself and family were for my death. I presume it is standard procedure.
Having blood clots can be very serious and I think they are right if they believe your mum to be very ill that they tell you and her that but I wonder why the hospital didn’t tell her that. I suppose if things worsen then you are prepared but let’s hope that not to be the case and she starts to improve… Hopefully, as they have moved her, they must have felt she was stable enough to be moved or else they wouldn’t have done that or it would have been too risky for her health.
I wish I could wave a magic wand for you but I can’t and all I can do is say I’m sorry this has happened to your mum and really hope she turns the corner soon and gets better.
Thinking of you

Mum wasn’t good today. Me and my Dad have cried and cried.
She was sleeping all day and also her speech was slured.
I asked what they had given her she had a tiny bit of liquid morphine for her breathing.

She isn’t eating much and also lost use in her arms. The nurses said it’s her illness.
She is fighting blood clots, lymphabgitis, collapsed lung and the cancer.

The nurses have told me to take each day as it comes and she wont get any better.

I think this is it!!!


I’m so very sorry to hear your mum’s not good today. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending you a big cyberhug.



Thank you all who sent codolences to me. I really wasn’t expecting so many kind words and I certainly didn’t mean to take over Holly’s thread.

Holly, you are being so brave. My heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is to see your mum suffering and to be told things won’t get better. Sadly, this disease can be unpredictable and unfortunately no one can know for sure what is going to happen. Its so hard, but you really do have to take each day as it comes, like the nurses have said. Any pain (or other symptoms) will be controlled quickly in the hospice. This must be such a shock, especially as the docs told you things would improve (we were told similar things from the hospital docs before mum was transfered to a hospice). I imagine you feel helpless, and I wish there was something I could do to make this all go away. Try and spend as much time as you can with your mum and your dad. Ask the hospice nurses anything you want. I expect the doctor will visit your mum each day so make sure you speak to him/her if you want to as well. I will be thinking about you and your mum. xxx

I’m so sorry to hear your news Holly…I was with my Mum when she died in April…I hope your Mum is as pain free and comfortable as possible. We spoke to Mum often, I don’t know if she understood what we were saying to her in her final hours but the nurses said you can still hear right up to the very end. Thinking of you all…x.x.x

Holly - sorry to hear your mum isn’t good but at least she sounds comfortable and not in pain.
As Belinda says, spend as much time as you and your dad can with her. She does sound very poorly and my heart goes out to you and him.
Thinking of you


Really really sorry to hear about your mum. It must be a very difficult time for you and your dad and family. I hope that she is as comfortable as can be and pain free really.

Sending u lots of love and hugs and wish there was more I could say to help.


Mum is really weak now and have been told to prepare for the worst.

can’t believe how she has detirated.

Awwwww Holly (((((HUGS)))))

I too wish that I could wave a magic wand for you.

I lost my Mum Feb 2007 - secondary bladder cancer in the bones. We were told of the dx on 14 Feb and she passed away on 24 Feb. Such a shock to see her deteriorate so rapidly but a blessing at the same time - although that is quite hard to imagine from where you are right now.

Thinking of you and your Dad

Love Anne xx

Holly - So sorry to hear your news. I hope your mum is comfortable and that you and your dad are also being looked after.
Thinking of you at this time.
Love Kate

Hi Holly
I am away for a couple of days and have just logged on. I am so sorry to hear your mum has deteriated this disease is a real b…d.
Thinking of you all at this difficult time.

Love Debsxxx

Holly - so sorry to hear the pain you and your dad are going through.

Hope your mum is comfortable.

This disease truly is wicked…


Hi everyone,

Mum p[assed away yesterday. She battled this for 26 yrs but she did go very peacefully. I stayed with her the night before and also myself, my dad and brother was with her when she died.

I don’t know how i will get through this. I loved her very much.


I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. I’m glad that your family were with her when she passed away and that she was peaceful.
It’s going to be so hard for you all right now and I’ll be thinking of you.
I’m sure you have wonderful memories of your mum and I’m sure she’d want you to focus on those happy times.
There’s no-one like your mum.
Sending you and your family my condolences.

Dear Holly

I have been following your posts and I too am very sorry to hear about your mum. My mum died just over 2 years ago now and I didnt know how I would get through it either. Its awful but my advice would be just to take a day at a time and let whatever emotions come through out. My mum was my world, she still is, and even though she is no longer here she is still always on my mind. In time the sadness has given way to happier memories and the last few days of her life have faded somewhat now. You will get through it but it is such a gradual process and there are many many ups and downs. I am always here if you want to talk. Love Joanne xxx

Holly I am so sorry to hear this and am sending you huge hugs.

Not easy to believe right now but the good memories will keep you going in the future and you will get there in time.

Take care of yourselves - love to all your family.

Anne xx

Holly I have been following this thread and im so sorry to hear your mum has passed away

((((((((HUGS))))))))) for you and your family at this sad time.

Dear Holly,
sorry to hear you mum has passed away, it is very hard to say the right things at a time like this. Your emotions will be all over the place, when it gets really tough just try to focus on all the wonderful mum daughter moments and dont feel guilty if it puts a smile on your face.
I pass our sincere sympathy to all the family at this truly sad time.

Love Debs and Ianxxx