Update on mum's mastectomy - 13.7.11

After all you lovely ladies have been so kind to me after my mum’s dx, I thought I would let you know how she is progressing. She had her mastectomy on June 20th, and came home the next day, with one drain still in. For the first few days, she was in some discomfort, but the hospital gave her some pain relief tablets, which helped. She had the drain out after seven days, which made her feel a lot more comfortable. When they removed her dressings, she had reacted to them, leaving angry red marks, but the wound itself was healing nicely. After just over a week, she found that there was a tiny little hole in the scar line, so we called the district nurse who took a swab. As it happened, there was an underlying infection, and she is on antibiotics at the moment. We went to see the surgeon last Friday, to get her results. It was really good news! The tumour was very small, grade 1, 6mm, and they got it all, negative nodes, ER positive, and it was also tubular - a virtually identical dx to mine! She won’t need chemo or rads, but she has to go to see the oncologist next Thursday, to discuss which hormonal treatment she will have. After all the worry, it is good to have such fantastic news. She is tired, but very relieved! Thank you all, once again, for your advice and concern.

That’s great news - must be a huge relief for you both!

Thanks for keeping us up to date, its alway good to here everybodies news

Thats brilliant news LynB1 !
The relief and happiness shines from your words.
So pleased for you and your Mum.
Esbee x

Nothing more to add than my best wishes to both you and your mum. The relief is massive for you both, I’m sure.

Good luck for the next steps.
