Update on my Mum & my Mamm. results!

Update on my Mum & my Mamm. results!

Update on my Mum & my Mamm. results! Hi All,
thought it would make a change to post a bit of good news for a change.

My Mum who I was so worried about got an ALL CLEAR at the mammogram appointment that appeared by magic within the week, after I made calls to the consultants at the hospital and her GP’s practise manager to complain that he had told her a mammogram was not required for women of her age (78). Big sigh! They are not sure whats causing her so much discomfort, possibly phsyco-sematic (sorry for the spelling!) bearing in mind her sister and I have BC.

The other bit of long awaited good news…I finally got my mamm results, the 1st since last years diagnosis. “Right breast shows nothing of concern”! Another big sigh!
It only took 4 and a half weeks to get the letter and an argument with my BCN. She couldn’t see why I was so anxious to get my results and why I was calling her chasing them! She couldn’t/wouldn’t understand why I was possibly more worried this year than last? Wonder why that was? Could it be beacuse I got an out of the blue cancer diagnosis last year? Went to have pain in the right breast investigated to be told I had got BC in left breast & needed a mastectomy! It was a good job my hubby was driving when I had this conversation with her cause I think he may not have been quite so polite as I was trying to be! I don’t intend speaking to her again. Pity as she was fantastic at the beginning but after my surgery seemed to switch off. Now I know what other women meant that have encountered her on their BC journey. I know they are not all like this and most are living saints. Suppose it takes all sorts!

Will just end with another bit of fantastic news, for me, I have now got 2 nipples! If the moderator has no objections -please let me know- I would like to tell you how and where I had the most life like nipple made & fitted through the NHS. I want to share this with everybody, as it appears it is not widely promoted by the various NHS trusts, they really are SO life like and have made a huge difference to me that I think everyone should have the opportunity to be referred for them.

thanks for the good news… go on spill the beans about the nipples we are all intrigued…


Dear Dawn Thankyou, it would be really helpful if you could share your information with the other forum users, it is always great to hear when someone has received such good care and service from the NHS.

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care