Update on swelling

Hi people! So a quick update, I had a swelling between my neck and shoulder and was worried about it. Had it checked yesterday with an ultrasound and by my breast consultant and its nothing. Theres no suspicious lymph nodes there, there are nodes there but nothing suspicious.
But my breast consultant was able to give me my results from my surgery. The histology of the cancer that was removed.
So it turned out it was in 4 different places in my breast, and i had 33 lymph nodes removed (complete clearance) and it was in 15 of them!! I was so shocked!! Like really really shocked. When i was first diagnosed i was told it was very very early and that it was slow growing. Turns out it was grade 3! Of all the cancer taken out of the breast, the biggest was 14mm and the smallest was 4mm.
But he did say that he got it all, that i had clear margins?? Im gonna be honest, i dont understand any of the jargon they use lol. Its all so confusing and I left the appointment feeling numb. I know i should be pleased about the clear margins but hearing that it was in 15 lymph nodes SHOCKED me. Is that a lot?? It feels like a lot!!


I’m also in the same boat. I had a single mastectomy and the tumour was bigger than expected and also had multiple cancer nodules. Of 15 lymph nodes which were removed they all had cancer. I was very shocked and it took a few days to process this as the oncologist said I was at high risk of recurrence but they are going to offer as much treatment as they can. I don’t think it really matters how many nodes have cancer as they’ll offer the same treatment as someone who had 3/4. What they’ll probably offer is chemo and radiotherapy and drug treatment after. They’ll do whatever they can to kill off any cancer that are too small to be detected. X


I’m glad that the swelling was not anything to be concerned about at least but I’m not surprised that you’re feeling shocked and it might be worth speaking to your BCN if you want to get anything clarified - write everything down , record it or take someone with you. For further questions you could try calling the helpline on 0808 800 6000 from tomorrow on .

It’s good that they got clear margins - it means that they have managed to get out all of the cancers plus a good “margin” of healthy tissue all the way around all of them . Without clear margins you would have needed another surgery . About the lymph nodes - I really couldn’t say but at least they’re all out . You didn’t say if they have given you your treatment plan going forward ? Xx


Yes, they have given me the treatment plan, sorry haha. Left that bit out!
So first its chemo (he said its a strong one :woman_shrugging:)
Then its radiotherapy, and then its hormone blockers for 10years.
I took my mum but spent more time consoling her than taking in what he said. My husband is usually the best person to take but he had to go back to work.
Its all so confusing, I feel like everything they say is like charlie browns teacher… just mumbling lol.


Quite understandable for your Mum to be upset and to her credit but harder for you. Yes the Charlie Brown teacher thing - I’ve had that experience as well it’s a good way to describe it. I should try and get an appointment with your BCN when your husband is available - even if it’s only a phone appointment . You could also try ringing the helpline and talking it through with the Nurses .

Sending love xx


Hi @zaran - I had 28 lymph nodes and I couldn’t recall then if any of our peers had more removed than me. Wow. You had 33 lymph nodes removed!! That is a lot!! For me, out of the 28 lymph nodes, 7 were cancerous. the size of the breast tumour was 6 cm. Sending you positive vibes.

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@Siggi Wow! And how are you getting on now my lovely? Hope you’re coping well! Thank you for your reply xx

@JoanneN thank you! I’ll give my BCN a call when hubby is around. Thanks for checking in :heart::heart::heart:


@zaran - i am now having to deal with the side effects of the surgery; i suffer from numbness/tightness in the armpit area which was due to the large number of lymph nodes being removed and the situation exacerbated by radiation therapy which causes hardening of scar tissue. Sigh… The numbness/tightness cause me great discomfort- was told this is permanent and i will need long term physio/massage treatments to help relieve/ease the discomfort… wishing you well.

@zaran, I think it’s unusual that u had 33 nodes but everyone has a different amount. So I was told that 2 were positive so they would remove all (21 in total) but then it was 5 positive. And was told the lump was 2mm but it turned out to be 5mm. So it seems they can’t give u specific details despite all the scans. It’s only after surgery that u find out how good/bad it is. Just telling u this so u know that it this is the norm. Take care x

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@Siggi I know how you feel with the armpit thing, mine was pretty bad but hopefully its not permanent. Its getting better. I had cording down my arm and thats required a fair bit of physio. My physio lady is lovely though so I tend to zone out and try my hardest to ignore the pain. Sometimes easier said than done.
Have you got anymore treatment coming up? Xx

@moobloo thank you for telling me that, this is all still so confusing and new. Its hard to figure it out when they’re telling you all the big words etc lol. Xx

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@zaran Hi, I developed cording too. But it’s gone now. My next upcoming treatment will be the Zoledronic Acid. Have you had that already? xoxo

Hiya, sorry im not sure what Zoledronic Acid is… so im assuming i havent started it yet. I havent started anything yet other than the surgery. Ive got my Oncology appointment on the 18th of june so im hoping to understand whats happening after that xx

@zaran Zoledronic Acid is a bone strengthening medication. It also reduces risk of the cancer spreading to the bones. It’s administered via infusion. Hope this helps.

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Oh wow ok!! Wonder if theyll put me on that then. I have no idea. Thanks for telling me about it xx