Update - Starting radiotherapy

My last scan results were not so good, showing cancer growing back in 2 areas (shoulder/armpit and centre of chest), so unfortunately the pembrolizumab hasn’t worked for me as we hoped. I’m massively disappointed, as I hoped it would keep things at bay for a while at least.
They are going to give me radiotherapy in the armpit area and across the whole of the top of my chest, above the breast area (as I had radiotherapy in breast area previously as part of primary treatment and they don’t want overlap). 20 daily sessions in total.
The next option for me after that is most likely capecitabine.
Although I finished chemo (EC, paclitaxel and carboplatin) in January, my neutrophil levels have stayed around the 1.5 mark - is that usual?
Lisa x


Hi @lisa49

I am sorry you haven’t had a response to your post. I am sorry to hear what you’re going through with your treatment.

I am sure someone will be able to share their experience with you. In the meantime this may be a question you could ask our breast care nurses on this board of the forum: Ask our Nurses your questions.

Sending our love,

Thank you Lucy x