
Following my post a couple of weeks ago, I just wanted to update and offload to anyone who is willing to read. my friend had initially been diagnosed with a grade 2 carcenoma, and was awaiting results of a biopsy in another area of the same breast. This also proved to be cancerous. Since then, she has had had the results of a CT scan after complaining of back pain. She has got secondary carcenomas in her spine, sternum And lungs. Shto will in the next two weeks begin a course of FEC chemotherapy, 6-8 treatments, followed by hormone treatment atrap patently the type of cancer she has is very receptive to hormone treatment. This gas come as a major shock to her, and to myself and other friends and family. Has anyone got a similar story or any words of encouragement / support to offer. We gave been told the treatment is palliative. Thank you for reading / listening.

Dear Dib1000

I am sorry to hear of your friend’s diagnosis. It may help you or your friend to give our helpline a call to talk things over. They can offer practical information and emotional support. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Dib 1000
What a horrible time for your friend and yourself but take some comfort knowing that you will be a wonderful support to her at this difficult time.
I have just started my journey of treatment with a WLE with node removal and will get my results on 3 rd july as to whether it has spread so unfortunately Im not in a position to give you advise on staging/treatment/experience… but I hope I can be of support and comfort to you with a compassionate ear.
My husband and children have been fantastic and I couldnt wish for a more supportive family but it is your friends that you share your true worries with. Because of the emotional pain I see on my families faces every day I tend to put on a braver face with them where as with my dearest friend I feel I am able to let it all go and be allowed to have my wobbily moments.
I am mindful of the fact that it may get to much for her too as my journey unfolds but I feel incredibly greatful for her support and friendship and I love her dearly.
She took advice from this site when I first broke the news to her. She asked… how she could best support me and my family??.. and the best advice she was given has been invalueble to date… for her to just be herself and chat and continue to do normal things together.
Thoughout every step so far she has been there with me , not neccesary in body but always with text messages and they have been a great comfort knowing she is always there.
At first I didnt really want many people to know about my cancer treatment but again learning from the advice given from this forum I have discovered that isnt always a good thing ,as it can limit your support network.
I think my husband has found her a great comfort too, she gives a great cuddle and seems to know just when one is needed.
Her name is Jen by the way and I think the fact that you are on this forum seeking advice means you are a wonderful caring friend to your friend.
just like my friend Jen you will be an amazing support to her.
If she has a partner/family to care for, she will be worrying how they will cpoe with doing all the chores she normally does and sometimes throughout her treatment will be unable to do them… so practicle help from anyone will be greatly recieved not only from her but her partner too.
Making the odd throw in the oven meal on those ocassions when they are having a tough time will be greatly recieved but dont try and do all this yourself…bring on board other mutual friends if you can.
Sending get well wishes to your friend and big cyber cuddles to you both.
Jo xxxx