Upgrade from a 1 to a 2

Been to hospital for results of lumpectomy, was worried, lump bigger than 1st though, now at 4cm, so it’s a mastectomy , and out of the two nodes they took out its in one of them, so they are coming out as well, this is all happening in Monday, as we are luckily private, shocked stunned upset is an understatement , this feels real now x

Dear Susan8574

I’m sorry you have to face more surgery.  It might help to give our helpline a call to talk over how you’re feeling.  They’ll be able to offer you practical information as well as emotional support.  They’ll be open tomorrow morning at 9.00am (9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays).  The number is 0808 800 6000

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Susan

It just seems the bad news keeps coming at first doesn’t it? Be kind to yourself and remember the tests and everything are there so the medics vcan put you on exactly the right treatment to sort you out. You’ll feel so much better once you start tratment and know that it’s being dealt with.

lots love

