I found a lump in my breast approx 2cm and was referred to a one stop breast clinic where I had a mammogram which showed 2x areas.
I then had a USS. During this the radiographer attempted to do a fine needle aspiration but was unable to aspirate any fluid, so she did 3x biopsies and put in a titanium clip.
After, the USS the radiographer said that there are 2x lumps and they are indeterminate. I have been waiting nearly 3 weeks for an appointment with the consultant to get biopsy results. I’m so nervous as I expected the radiographer to say it either looked like a fibroadenoma or malignant. Has any one else had an USS and told you have an indeterminate lump?
many thanks xXx
Hi @Nervous1 sorry to hear that you are in the dreaded waiting period for results, it’s very challenging indeed.
It took me a minute to work out what USS was! I found that radiographers or anyone doing scans only confirmed lumps and at most conducted a biopsy and no further information shared. MRI scanner didn’t reveal anything. It’s the surgeon/ oncologist and the results of biopsy that determined everything in my experience.
It’s a pain that you have been waiting so long though, in my area results tend to be 2 weeks but I’m sure it’s different everywhere, can you call for an update and explain you are keen, get an estimated date …I did experience a couple of delayed or mixed up appointments on my journey too so always best to call and prompt them along…
Best of luck and whatever you do try not to turn to Google for information while you wait as it really increases the stress when you just don’t know what the outcome is. Take care